6. Nick

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Nick wakes up to an annoying, redundant, humming noise that seems to never end. When he opens his eyes, he realizes it's Bailey's phone vibrating right next to his head. The light coming off of it is the only illumination in the room.

He lifts it up to see what could possibly be so important right now and sees it's a text message from Abby.

Abby: Missy told me what happened. I'm sorry girl! Philip said Evan changed his mind last minute. Everything ok?

The top of the phone says it's four o'clock in the morning. He has no recollection of what time Bailey and he left the party, but it couldn't have been after midnight when he threw his temper tantrum.

He sets the phone down and runs his hand along his forehead trying to make sense of what happened. He blew the whole situation out of proportion. He could easily blame it on the drugs, but he knows deep down that that's not the issue.

The issue is that he has the most beautiful, most sexy, most perfect girl on the entire planet lying next to him, and every guy—and girl, most likely—that sees her is going to want to take his place.

He rolls onto his side to look at her. She's sleeping on her back with her arms resting above her head, looking so damn comfortable, despite what clothes she has on.

She's still wearing the skirt and tank top from the night before. He remembers fucking her against the sink but not undressing her. He remembers her trying to kiss him and turning away. He remembers her telling him she loves him—repeatedly—and not saying it back.

What in the actual fuck is wrong with him?

Bailey's going to wake up and remember everything. She didn't even have one drink in the short amount of time they were at the party. She'll dump him for being such a dick. Why wouldn't she?

He has to make it up to her, and he only knows one sure-fire way to do that. He brings his lips to the tip of her nose and kisses it softly. Some of her summer freckles have returned, but he can't see them in the darkness.

He backs up, resting on his elbow, to see if he woke her—but nothing. Her shirt is low enough that he is able to reach top swell of her breasts, bringing his mouth to each side as his hand slides her shirt up over the side of her ribs.

Once her chest is exposed, he moves lower to take one of the pink tips into his mouth. His tongue moves in the circular motion that he knows she loves. He can feel her nipple turn from a soft apex to a hard pebble in his mouth and moves to the other one.

He knows she's awake now as she moans and runs her hands through his hair. "Nick..."

The sound of his name makes him want to be closer to her. He rolls on top of her, resting one of his legs between hers. He moves his mouth to her neck, running his tongue upwards until he reaches her jaw. He kisses one side of her mouth and feels her lips twitch slightly into a small smile.

It's still complete darkness in this room, so Nick reaches to the other side of the bed until he feels Bailey's phone. He hits the home button which provides enough light for him to see her face beneath his.

Her blue eyes look almost purple as she looks at him with an intensity rivaling his own. He gently pushes a strand of hair off of her cheek and behind her ear. "Bailey," his voice is rougher than he thought it would be, but he continues, "I love you. I'm so sorry."

Before she has a chance to say anything in response, he brings his mouth to hers. Her response is delayed slightly as her lips and tongue take their time waking up. But they catch up quickly, and as her lips part, Nick slides his tongue inside.

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