49. Another Year(ish) Later

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The day after Thanksgiving is one of my favorite days of the year. My family has always referred to it as "Lazy Friday."

We're not into the crowds that come out for Black Friday, so we stay at home in our pajamas, eat leftovers, and watch Christmas movies.

My dad and I have finally decided between "Home Alone" and "Edward Scissorhands" when I realize that my mom and Ian have disappeared. I sit down with my dad on the couch while we wait.

"So Mandy told me you're dating someone new." He breaks the silence. "You didn't want to bring him home to meet the family?"

This is something that never would have happened when I still lived at home. He never wanted to talk about the fact that I dated. It probably had something to do with me being his little girl. Nick was the only boy who I can remember him ever actually having a conversation with.

Ever since I moved out, though, he has been trying to be more involved with every aspect of my life, and I try to go along with it. However, I don't introduce my parents to whoever I'm dating...ever.

Nick was so ingrained into our family that when we broke up, it affected all of us. I can't put them through that again.

"No," I answer him. "I don't actually think it's going to work out with Alexander."

"Why not?"

I throw my head back onto the couch and sigh. "He refuses to go by a nickname—like 'Alex' or 'Al' or even 'Xander'. And what am I supposed to do? Say Al-ex-an-der for the rest of my life? I don't have time for that!"

My dad nods. "Yeah. That seems like a good reason to break up with someone."

I know he's being patronizing, but I'm just grateful that the conversation seems to be ending. In my mind, Alexander is already gone.

"I'm going to get some wine while we wait for them," I say, referring to our missing family members. "Do you want any?"

"Sounds good," he answers, and stands up to place the disc into the DVD player. I walk away holding a handful of movies that I plan on introducing to Ellie.

Her and I have started a tradition of watching a new movie every Wednesday night while Mandy has her study group. I can't wait to watch her eyes light up when she sees Jack Skellington for the first time. 'The Nightmare Before Christmas' was always one of my favorites.

Smiling to myself at the thought, I reach the kitchen and hear hushed voices. It's Mom and Ian, and they are obviously trying to not be heard. I stop myself before turning the corner so they won't see me. I may have turned twenty-two three weeks ago, but I will never be too old to eavesdrop on my family.

We're family. We're supposed to share everything, right?

"I just can't believe it," Ian whispers.

My mom responds in an equally quiet tone. "I couldn't either, but I thought you'd like to know."

There's a pause before my mom asks, "Have you talked to him?"

"You know I haven't talked to him in years, Mom."

"Maybe now would be a good time to reach out."

Ian sighs. "He doesn't want to hear from me."

And if I had any doubts of who they were discussing, they were dismissed with Ian's next words. "Bailey is going to freak out."

"I don't know if we should tell her," my mom says uneasily. "You know how hard it was for her when they broke up. Why bring up any of those old, forgotten feelings?"

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