7. Bailey

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I wonder how long Nick has been home. It didn't take me more than a few minutes to say goodbye to people at the dorms—almost everyone had already left for the summer.

I pass his truck parked on the side of the road and pull into the driveway. I'm curious to see how he's acting around my parents. Knowing him, he's probably trying to act cool but is completely nervous and freaking out on the inside.

I see three figures on the other side of the front window, so I try to keep my composure about the idea of seeing them all together before opening the door.

"Surprise!" Ian yells as soon as I swing the door open.

"Oh my God! Ian! What are you doing here?"

"I'm happy to see you too, sister," he says pulling me into a hug.

I drop my purse on the floor and return the gesture. "I just wasn't expecting you." You weren't supposed to be here yet.

I know Nick is going to use this as an excuse to wait to tell people about us. I inwardly groan at the idea of waiting any longer. It's not happening.

"Is Nick here?" I ask as Ian steps back. He gives me a confused look for a split second before shaking it off. I shouldn't have asked about Nick. I wouldn't have done that before. This is why I can't keep this secret.

"Yeah. He's upstairs, I think," Ian answers.

I don't respond, nervous that I might give something else away. I just saw my parents two weeks ago, so after a brief exchange of hellos, we get to the task of unloading my car. Ian reluctantly offers to help which makes it go faster.

Soon enough, I'm in my room surrounded by piles of my stuff that people placed in random spots. I decide to start going through it, picking which stuff can be put into storage for the summer until I go back to school, and what I'll need while I'm home.

I'm elbow deep in DVDs when I hear my phone buzz from the other side of the room. Walking over, I see that it's a text from Nick.

Nick: We can't tell them tonight.

I knew this would happen. I'm not backing down, though.

Me: Yes we are! I know Ian wasn't supposed to be here, but maybe it's good. Now they'll all know at the same time.

Nick: Ian's been through some shit recently. It wouldn't be good. Just give him a few days.

Me: Like what?

Nick: I can't tell u. I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell any1

Me: Well this sucks. Do u realize we've been in the same house for three hours now and I haven't even seen u? This is bizarre

Knowing Nick is so close yet so far is difficult. I want to be in his presence. I want to smell his soap, I want to feel his arms around me, I want to hear his throat hum as I kiss him, I want to look up into his big hazel eyes as he looks at mine—but instead, he's with my brother.

Nick: I saw u this morning, in case u forgot...

And now I start to feel all tingling thinking of Nick and I making love this morning. He had been so worried about me being upset. Little did he know that I was more worried about him not forgiving me for keeping the fact that Evan used to live there from him.

Me: I definitely did not forget THAT...

Nick: Just a few days. I promise

Me: Fine. But I'm not happy

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