51. November of the Next Year

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"...And, yes, you two have had some rocky times. I think we all remember Junior year of high school." The crowd chuckles. "But I know without a doubt that it's only made you stronger. I am so happy to see my friends so in love. Here's to the bride and groom!"

I raise my glass in the air, and the wedding guests follow my lead. I pass the microphone to the Best Man and take my seat next to Veronica. She squeezes my hand under the table and leans towards me to whisper. "You bitch, I told you I didn't want to cry and ruin my makeup."

I laugh quietly and squeeze her hand back. "Love you."

"Love you too, bitch."

I look around the huge reception hall and, if I didn't know better, I would swear it was our high school reunion. There is table after table of Newton High graduates. I knew this already considering I helped V mail out all the invitations, but it's still shocking to see it in front of me.

Ian is going to be so pissed that he missed this, but considering he's the low man on the totem pole at the news station, he couldn't get the time off. Mandy and I told him that we'd just have to have enough fun for all three of us.

Mandy is certainly doing a good job. I thought she liked to get crazy when we were younger, but her nights out are so few and far between since having Ellie, that she takes full advantage of them when she gets one. I spot her at the bar talking very closely with the former president of the Science Club who surprised everyone by becoming hot as fuck after high school.

After my fourth—or fifth?—glass of champagne, I ditch my Maid of Honor duties for the night, kick off my heels, and hit the dance floor.

I keep searching the room without really admitting to myself why. I can't help but wonder if he'll show up. I don't even know for sure that V invited him, and there was no way I was going to ask her.

It would be unlikely that she would even have his address or phone number since I'm pretty sure he doesn't talk to anyone from our high school anymore. I certainly have no idea where he's living right now.

And as expected, there has been no sign of the tall, brown haired, hazel-eyed boy that still haunts my dreams even though I haven't seen him in over three years. Some people just never really leave.

The tempo of the music slows down on the next song, and I make my way off the floor. Before I get there, however, I feel a hand on my arm. My heart flutters as I turn to see who wants my attention.

And then comes to a dramatic stop when I see that it's my ex, Justin.

He gives me a small, charming smile. "Can I have this dance?"

I want to say no, but I can't be rude. He might cause a scene. I don't want that at V's wedding.

I give him a slight nod, and he immediately places one hand on my waist and one in my hand. I put my free hand on his shoulder, and we start swaying back and forth.

As much I don't want to talk to him, conversation would be better than awkward silence. "So how have you been, Justin?"

"Good. Great, actually. You?"

"I'm doing good too. I'm working at a marketing firm now, and couldn't be happier."  So that may be a slight exaggeration. The truth is that I've realized that sitting at a desk by myself for forty hours a week is way more miserable than I would have even guessed.

"I know you hate me," he blurts out.

I'm speechless for a moment, taken off guard by his outburst. "No. I don't, Justin. What happened was a long time ago."

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