25. Nick

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"I told you I'm not doing it, dude," Nick tells Cam for the twentieth time today. "Those guys were assholes, and I brought home next to nothing. It's not worth my time."

Cam takes another drag on his cigarette. "That was different. That was a bunch of stuffy old business men. This is a bachelorette party. Those girls are gonna love you, and me, of course. You'll make more tips than you can handle."

Nick thinks about it and inhales from his own cancer-stick. He hasn't smoked since the last time he saw Ken at the library, but when Cam said he was taking a smoke break, Nick felt like he deserved one. And since coming out here, he's had the most conversation he's been able to muster since he last talked to Bailey.

He would say this week with no word from Bailey has been bad, but he can't remember it. The first few days were spent in a total fog with the only beacon of light coming from his phone. It didn't leave his side once. He even went as far as to put it into a baggie and bring it into the shower with him. He didn't want to risk missing her call.

And since he wasn't able to sleep more than a few hours at a time, the last few days were spent in an exhausted state, hardly able to keep his eyes open.

And still nothing from Bailey.

"What does that even mean?" He asks Cam.

"I'm secure enough in my sexuality to admit that you're an attractive dude."

"Stop. You're making me blush."

Cam ignores his smart ass comment. "And those drunk bachelorette girls are going to see that too. You'll have to lay on a little charm, and they'll practically be throwing money at you."

Although it used to be second nature to him, Nick can't even picture himself flirting with anyone right now. But he might as well give Cam one more chance. "Fine. I'll do it."

Even if he doesn't make a lot, it will be better than nothing. He has less savings than he did at the beginning of last year, and he has to bring in some more cash somehow until he finds a more lucrative summer job.

"I knew it!" Cam practically yells. "What are going to do next semester when you don't have me? You'll be lost."

"I think I'll survive. Plus I'm looking forward to the free movies you're going to get me into."

"It's the student center movie theater. They play old movies, not exactly a happening place."

The truth is that Nick didn't even know it existed before Cam said he got a job there next year instead of the dining hall. Even if it was going to be boring, it was a definite step up for him. It was time to let some freshmen replace them cleaning up garbage.

Nick sees a dark haired girl walking across the grass toward them. He recognizes her instantly. It's Eva. The first girl he hooked up with after Bailey. It was only nine months ago, but it feels like nine years. So much has changed.

"Hi boys," she smiles and winks when she reaches them. Nick assumes she's trying to be cute.

"Hey," Cam responds. He doesn't seem surprised to see her. They must have stayed in contact.

"You got plans tonight?" She's looking directly at Nick, but Cam answers.

"What's up?"

She takes a step toward Nick, and he wishes his back wasn't already against a wall.

"There's a party at Devin's. You should come." She points her finger at Nick so there is no doubt who she's talking to.

"Thanks," Nick speaks for the first time. "But I'm good. I think my girlfriend might be staying with me tonight."

"What she doesn't know, won't hurt her," Eva says. "Not even a little tempted?"

They both know what she's asking without asking. "Not at all," Nick answers. "She provides more than enough entertainment."

She shrugs. "Well if you get bored, hit me up. Don't think I don't remember what you're packing."

She glances down at his crotch and then back to his face while Nick looks toward Cam. She really said that. This girl's got no modesty. "I wouldn't count on it."

"What about you, Cam? You coming?" She asks, appearing unfazed by Nick's rejection.

"Nah. I got plans. I'll catch ya the next time."

"Alright. You guys are party poopers." She sticks her bottom lip out in mock sadness, but Nick just looks away. When he looks back in her direction, she's walking away. Thank God.

"So...you hooked up with Eva?" Cam asks, holding back laughter.

"A long time ago." Nick flicks his cigarette on to the ground and steps on it to put out the blaze.

Cam does the same. "By the way, I thought you and Bailey broke up."

"We didn't break up. We're on a break."

"What's the difference exactly?"

Nick thinks. "I don't actually know, I guess."

"But you're sure she's not out there hooking up with guys? Have you talked to her at all?"

Nick thinks of Derek and has a half second of panic before logic sets in. "I haven't talked to her, but I know she wouldn't. She's not like that."

Where was that logic a week ago? It could have saved him this week of misery.

"You mean not like Eva?" Cam laughs. "You dodged a bullet though. That chick is crazy, and the guys she hangs out with are cool, but they party too hard—even for me. The last party I went to with her, I think I was the only one there not high as a fucking kite. And I'm not talking about weed."

The two of them start to walk back inside the building, and Cam keeps talking. "So what are you going to do about Miss Bailey?"

"I don't know."

"How long is this break suppose to last?"

"I don't know. Until she's ready to talk, I guess."

"Tsk. Tsk. Don't you know anything about girls? She wants you to go to her. Beg her. Plead with her. Do whatever you have to. Your fucking melancholy is bringing me down."

"You really think I should?" Nick feels his excitement rising at the prospect of seeing Bailey. "I could drive there tonight."

Cam looks at him like the answer is obvious. "Do I think you should? Fuck yes, man. Go get your girl back."

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