52. Another Trip Around the Sun

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"Do you want me to die? Is that what this is all about?" Mandy asks between sucking in air.

It was my idea to sign us up for the 'advanced' spin class because it was at the only time we could guarantee a babysitter for Ellie every week, and I figured riding a bike in place couldn't possibly be that difficult. I was wrong. I realized my mistake within three minutes of class starting.

I wasn't about to confess that to her though. I try to control my breathing. "It wasn't that bad."

She looks at me like I've gone completely crazy. "You're coming by yourself next week."

She groans as she climbs off the bike and onto the padded floor. I try to follow, but I can't. "Okay, so, I can't move my legs," I admit.

She laughs as she reaches out a hand to help me, and with the two of us, I finally manage to stand up on my own. We begin walking—very slowly—toward the locker rooms.

"Remind me why we are doing this again?" She asks.

"Because after having an office job where I sit on my ass five days a week for the last year, my clothes don't fit."

"Then I'd say you need a new job."

I shake my head as I reach into my gym bag, not responding because the truth is that I would love a new job—for more reasons than just my expanding waist line. I just have no clue what I would do.

We change out of our sweat-soaked clothes and walk outside. The air is so cold on my hot skin, that I practically run to the car.

"Tiffany is babysitting for another hour. How about a drink?" Mandy asks as she starts the car.

"What? No! Then all those calories we just burned would be for nothing!"

"We earned it! And it won't be for nothing, we'll break even for the day. When was the last time you and I went to a bar on a weeknight?"

She already knows the answer: never. By the time we were old enough to drink in bars, she had Ellie, and Mandy's nights of drinking were limited to the occasional weekend.

"Fine," I relent. "One drink."

She smiles her knowing smile, and we end up at a small, dark, dive bar a few blocks from the gym. It's mostly empty with only a few patrons scattered around. I order Mandy and I each a glass of red wine because I read that it's one of the more healthy alcoholic drinks, and we sit at a booth along the wall.

"I need your advice," she says as I'm taking my first sip.

By the tone of her voice, I know this isn't going to be about what to wear for her class presentation next week. "Okay."

She looks up from where she's fiddling with the stem of her wine glass to meet my eyes. "Mike called me."

"Mike? As in...?"

"'Ellie's dad' Mike."

I gasp so abruptly that it makes me cough. I keep coughing for several seconds while Mandy looks down again.

After Ellie made her grand entrance to the world, Mandy felt she should tell Mike's parents that they had a granddaughter, and they were the ones to tell him that Ellie had been born. But we haven't gotten so much as a postcard from him in the last four years since.

Total dickhead.

And his parents really surprised me at first. They were so excited to hear the news and immediately made a trip to visit. They make a point to drive the two hours to see her as often as they can and completely love and dote on her when they are here. How Mike turned out to be such a self-absorbed asshole is beyond me.

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