56. Bailey

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It's all I can say. I've been able to fight off my tears all night, but not this time. I feel them rolling down my face and wipe them away.

"Please don't freak out." He's speaking slowly, almost pleading. "I kept expecting to grow out of it—everyone did, Lynn, Cam, Candace, Pete. But I never did. The years kept passing, and I kept getting older, but it never left me. You never left me." He sits up so we are chest to chest. "Even if I never were to see you again. Even if you've completely moved on, and tonight is just a one time thing. Even if you were going to hate me until the day I die. I know I will always love you, Bailey."

I shake my head. "But Nick, it's been so long, with nothing. No contact at all."

"I know what love feels like." He wipes the fresh tears from my cheek. "Look into my eyes and tell me that you don't care about me. I know you do. I can feel it."

I open my mouth, but no words come out. I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him—hoping it will give me strength.

I'm still waiting when Nick turns from me. I don't release my arms and hold him to me cheek to cheek. I can't look in his eyes right now.

He rubs my back soothingly. "Tell me what you're thinking, Bailey."

"I still love you too." The words come out before I can stop myself. "I know it's insane. I should have moved on. I shouldn't still be completely obsessed with my first love. But it doesn't matter. I never got over you. I love you."

I feel his body relax against me. He kisses me lightly on my ear. "Always."

My mouth returns to his and we move slowly, and thoughtfully, caressing each other's tongues with a new passion. I feel him everywhere. From my head, to my heart, to my stomach and down to my toes. He is invading all my senses.

I lean forward, forcing him to lay down on the bed. I want to make love to him. Although I've been with other guys, it doesn't feel like it right now. My body has been craving this one.

But much to my disappointment, Nick breaks our kiss—again. "Can we talk?"

Talk? Can't we do that later? But based on his look, it's something important to him. "Sure."

I don't move from my spot on top of him until he gestures for me to. Then I reluctantly roll off of him and onto my side. He turns onto his side as well, so we are facing each other.

"Bailey, I've thought about what went wrong the last time. I've spent many, many hours doing that—an embarrassing amount actually. And one of the things I wish we would have done differently was move slower. We were so intense, so quickly."

"Move slower? It took you six years to even admit that you liked me!"

"I know, but once I did, it was just sex, all the time—every time we were together and not at your parents' house. It became the center of our relationship."

"Nick, we were teenagers. Of course sex was the center of our relationship."

"But we're not teenagers anymore. I think this time we should do things differently, or I'll never forgive myself if you left me again."

"Left you? Nick, are we even dating?"

He doesn't break eye contact. "Well we just said that we still love each other. And I want to be with the person I love. I've sworn to myself that I wouldn't let go of another opportunity to be with you, Bailey. No more wasted time."

He sounds so sure. I rest my hand on his cheek. "No more wasted time," I repeat. "This is surreal. I started this evening single, and now I'm not only with someone. I'm with you. The absolute love of my life."

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