Q & A

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If you have any questions about me or my stories, post them in the comments here!

@nyzienyz Will there be another sequel?

The short answer is...kind of.

I love Nick and Bailey, and I would write a million stories about them if I could. But I just feel like their story is told. I think forcing another book would not make anyone happy.

However, there are stories swirling around in my brain about some of the side characters that would definitely incorporate Nick and Bailey, so we'd all still be able to catch up with them. They would just be more side characters.

I think Ian could be pretty interesting...

@Carianne89 Where did you get the inspiration for Nick & Bailey?

It actually started as a One-Shot called Hide and Seek. I got the inspiration for that while playing...you guessed it, hide and seek. Obviously nothing happened to me like what happened to Bailey (because this is real life) but it did put into my mind how hot something like that would be. And it all started from there.

Also, I really wanted to read a story where someone truly fucks up—and it's not just some misunderstanding or the result of the other person overthinking everything—but really, truly fucks up. Because we're all human, and we make mistakes. The vast majority of romance books do not do this. The exception is 'After', and I felt that was too extreme the other direction. Tessa should never have forgiven him for some of the stuff he did. (I love that series. That's just my opinion about some of it.)

But anyway...I wanted a story that showed what happened in a relationship when someone needs forgiven, and something needs to change. In this case, they took a five year break lol.

So I wrote one.

@taliamichele Will you be writing any more books similar to this one? (High School romance)

Yes! My book Now & Then is a high school romance, and the next book I'm planning on releasing will be a high school romance (working title Scars & Bruises).

Even though I am not in high school anymore, I really like writing about that time in my life. It's such a huge transition—from high school to college student—and so many potential stories to think of! I do always try to make my characters at least 18 though.

@heroisfine_ Who out of the people Bailey was with had the bigger D?

Nick. Without question. How else do you think he got such natural confidence?

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