11. Bailey

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People start to arrive within the next hour, making it much easier for Ian to avoid me. But since I'm already on my fourth beer, I don't care. I hug every person I see that I even have the slightest connection to, which is basically everyone.

Being here with these people just feels so comfortable. When I'm at college, I typically know a handful of people at any party—sometimes less. Here, I'm surrounded by people I've known since we were all five. I miss Nick, though.

I texted him around the time I know the restaurant closes. That was a half hour ago, and he hasn't responded.

I want him here, but I'm also nervous. Looking around, I can easily spot ten girls that I know Nick has at least made out with—including Mitzi, who looks even more gorgeous than she did in high school.

My mind drifts to the days that I would watch him and her in the cafeteria. His arm draped easily over her shoulders, him making her laugh by some inside joke that he whispered in her ear. I wonder if he knew how I felt about him then. Did he do those things to make me jealous?

He couldn't have. I wasn't even sure of my feelings at that point. So I guess that means he just genuinely enjoyed Mitzi's company. Somehow, that's worse for me, and it creates a sharp pain in my stomach.

I quickly finish my half-full cup. Apparently, I'm still not drunk enough to not give a shit, as I told V. I turn in the direction of the keg but see the front door open.

Hoping it's Nick, my heart starts pounding in my chest—only to come crashing down when I see who has actually arrived.

Justin. My cheating, lying, ex-boyfriend who claimed he wouldn't have sex with me because he loved me, but had no problem with other girls.

V keeps me up to date on old high school drama, so I heard through her that Justin and Rebecca broke up shortly after she left for college. I wasn't surprised. Justin is the type of boy who needs constant praise and reassurance. He's not going to get enough of that from a long distance relationship.

He stumbles into the party with a few guys from one of the younger grades—obviously drunk already. He glances in my direction and waves lazily. I roll my eyes, but he doesn't get the hint and starts walking toward me.

It's time to move. Nick can come find me when he decides to show up. Speaking of which, where the hell is he? I check my phone to make sure I didn't miss a text—only to realize that it's dead. Nick has probably been trying to get ahold of me. Fuck.

I reach the kitchen and find Ian talking to Amanda. She gives me a warm smile, but the look Ian gives me lets me know I'm not welcome. I turn the nearest corner into the living room. I look around and take a seat at an empty spot on the couch next to two girls named Larissa and Piper.

We were casual acquaintances in high school, and I haven't seen them since. But out of my current options for party companions, they are the clear winners.

"So do you think he'll be here?" Piper asks us, repositioning herself so she can face me. Clearly I've stumbled into an already active conversation.

"I'm not sure," Larissa answers. "I heard he was arrested."

"Seriously? Who told you that?" Piper asks.

"Actually, I can't remember. Maybe I just heard that he moved away."

I can't help but roll my eyes. This is always how rumors get started.

Piper continues. "I guess we'll see. I'm in the mood to get laid tonight, and he is always a willing participant."

"I'm sorry," I interrupt, and even though I'm afraid of the answer, "Who are we talking about?"

"Nick," Piper answers.

Of course they are talking about Nick. Maybe coming to V's party was a mistake. I know Nick and I have to be out in public eventually, but I suddenly feel like I'm in the middle of a lions' den.

Between my ex and his several exes, this is taking a huge leap from our regular seclusion. And it might be too big of a leap. As soon as I see him, I'll just ask him to play it cool tonight, and I'll make a post on social media tomorrow. I'm sure he won't care.

Larissa's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. "So, Bailey, how is Mandy? Besides her Instagram posts, no one knows what she's doing."

I don't really want to talk about Mandy either. She has barely been in contact with me the past few months. I know she's living her life, but for the first time, it feels like she's leaving me behind. I'm happy for her, but that doesn't mean I don't miss her.

"She's good," I say. "The last I heard she was working at a vineyard in Italy, staying with a host family."

"Fucking awesome." Piper shakes her head. "I can't imagine the stories she must have."

Me neither.

"Guys, he's here. I guess no prison time after all," Larissa whispers to us and brings me back to the present.

I turn my head just in time to see Nick enter the room. I immediately get butterflies. Mitzi is walking slightly behind him and tries to grab his arm, but he pulls it away from her subtly. He scans the room and when his eyes meet mine, all my doubt from earlier is gone.

Why am I getting so caught up in his, and my, past? I need to focus on the future. Our future.

He gives me a half smile which I return as I stand from my seat. His eyes don't leave mine as I walk deliberately to him. Without speaking, I place my hand on the back of his neck and pull him down to me.

The moment his lips touch mine, my body ignites. The world goes away. The voices and the music vanish. The hesitation and the skepticism vanish. The fear and the confusion vanish. This is all I needed to remind me. Him.

I feel his arms circle around my waist to pull me closer as his humming sound reaches my ears. I smile despite the fact that it disappears into his mouth.

I pull away after what feels like hours but was probably seconds. Our eyes lock as he rests his forehead against mine. "Do you think anyone saw that?" He whispers, grinning.

I giggle, still not looking away from him. "Baby, everyone saw that."

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