53. Bailey

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Another year, another birthday:

"Daddy!" Ellie runs past me without a second glance when she sees Mike on the other side of the door.

"Come in," I tell him. "I think Mandy's finishing packing her stuff. And as you can tell, Ellie is very excited about visiting her grandparents."

"They're excited too. They've called me three times today already." Mike picks her up as Ellie beams at him. Neither Mandy nor I are able to pick her up anymore, but her daddy still can.

Mandy saunters down the stairs with Ellie's bright pink, miniature suitcase. She sets it in front of Mike's feet and gives him the tightest, fakest smile she can muster.

Their relationship has been strained, to say the least, since he re-entered our lives a year ago. Ellie took to him without a second of hesitation, simply loving the idea of a dad. Mandy took longer. She would never say anything in front of Ellie, but I know there have been some very heated phone calls between Mandy and her ex.

This is the first time Ellie's staying with him overnight, and Mandy only allowed it because he is visiting his parents.

"Call me when you get there." She's talking to Mike, but her eyes are on Ellie. "And with any questions."

"We'll be fine," he smiles at her.

To give Mike credit, he is trying. He goes above and beyond with Ellie and seems incredibly remorseful about what happened over five years ago. For moral support, I was present during the first conversation between Mandy and him after he contacted her. He broke down in tears when he talked about leaving her, and about not knowing their daughter, and how he had seen the light and wanted to change things before it was too late.

Mandy had to forgive him for Ellie's sake, but she will never forget.

"Goodbye, baby girl," Mandy says, kissing the top of Ellie's blonde hair. "Have fun."

"Okay Mommy." Her eyes find me again. "Bai Bai, will you be here when I get back? So we can finish Arry Pot?"

I step to her and rub her back. I would give her a hug, but she's still being held by Mike. "It's Harry Potter, and I'm sorry. I'm going to be gone again. But as soon as I'm back, it's you and me, okay?"

She smiles and nods. She's accustomed to me being in and out of town lately.

"We better get going," Mike says after Mandy gives Ellie her approximately twentieth kiss on the forehead.

Mandy ignores him. I grab her shoulder and slowly pull her away. Ellie gives us a big smile and wave as Mike carries her to his car. Mandy watches until the car is down the street and out of sight. She turns around to face me with a big sigh. "Time to drink, birthday girl."

"So you're still coming here next weekend?" Abby asks.

"Yes! I wouldn't miss it!" I know I'm talking loudly due to the Gin and Tonics that Mandy made us but am unable to control it.

"And have you decided what you are doing next year?" She asks me this every time we talk. "With Mandy graduating, you have no reason to stay in that college town. You should move to Chicago with the rest of us!"

I've been thinking about it. Mandy already has a job lined up with the design firm that Abby works for, so her and Ellie are heading north next summer. I may follow them. That would be the most natural course of action.

"I have six months to decide," I say finally.

Mandy steps into my room, already in her skimpy outfit showing off her tiny midriff and long legs. It's just not fair that she is able to keep this body after having a baby, and I'm struggling to even maintain my size. It has been easier since changing jobs and joining a gym, but when I was younger, I didn't have to worry about what I ate. I could go on a run every once in awhile and it would all even out. But my days of eating an entire pizza by myself, and not seeing the effects, are long gone.

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