29. Bailey

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I did the right thing in forgiving him. I did. For sure. Definitely. Without a doubt.

I guess I can't deny that there's a little doubt. But even if we still have some things to work through, what is the harm in working through them together?

My heart, and my body of course, are in full agreement that Nick and I did the right thing. It's only my stupid brain that keeps having issues. And even she is beginning to give up the fight.

Nick has been so loving and doting—even more than usual—ever since we arrived at his dorm, making sure I don't lift a finger or am ever lacking in blankets, pillows or comfort.

He was even going to skip his bartending job tonight to stay with me until I forced him out the door. I didn't want him to go, but he'd confided in me his worries about paying for next semester, and I couldn't in good conscience allow him to pass on a paycheck. I wish I could help him more, but he'd never accept any of my money. Otherwise, I'd give him every dime I have.

I look at the clock. It's only been an hour since he left, and I am bored out of my mind. When he lived with Pete, I had him and Candace to keep me company while Nick was at work. But with no roommate, this is going to be a long summer for me. Next time I visit, I'll need to bring along my laptop or e-book. I was in too much of a rush this time to even think about any non-essentials, and I didn't need anything besides Nick.

I feel an unexpected heat growing in my stomach at the image of Nick's strong and powerful body above me in his truck last night. He was breathing so heavily that I could feel every exhale on my skin. His hair was sticking to his forehead with sweat, and the look in his eyes as he stared down at me was so intense, I got lost in it.

I never want to fight with Nick again, but at least I know the make-up sex will be fantastic.

Needing to move, I walk around the empty room, taking in my surroundings. I plop down on Pete's bare mattress. Actually, I can't really call it Pete's anymore. I doubt he'll ever be back here since Nick will be in his RA suite by the time the next semester starts.

Envy courses through me when I think about the fact that Candace and Pete are living together next year. How much easier would life be if Nick and I went to the same school?

I criticized my roommate last year for transferring schools to be closer to her boyfriend, but I think I get it now. The idea of a life where I could see Nick every single day is enough to make my heart pound.

I couldn't do it right away, but maybe next year. I'm already registered for classes, plus I have four roommates counting on me.

Although once Nick finds out about all my roommates, he may not want me here anyway.

Shiny plastic catches my eye on the other side of the room. I squint and see something sticking out from beneath Nick's mattress. I move closer and realize it's a half-full pack of cigarettes.

Nick's started smoking again? He didn't tell me that.
I lift the mattress up further and see some photographs stacked on top of each other.

The first one is of a toddler with brown hair and hazel eyes who could only be Nick. He's sitting on the lap of a man in a trucker's hat and a cigarette hanging out the side of his mouth. It must his dad.

The other one is of Nick and his mom at what appears to be our eighth grade graduation. He's looking off camera and is in the beginning stages of a laugh. It's one of those photos that make me want to go back to see what was so funny.

I look at his desk and see the picture of him and I at the pajama party from last semester. I gave it to him because it's my favorite photo of us. There is also a picture of him and his brothers from a few Christmas's ago. He has those on display for anyone to see, but he keeps his parents under his mattress like they are something to be ashamed of.

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