50. Nick

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He couldn't leave her here.

Setting the bag down and moving in the direction of the sobs, Nick walked into the kitchen and saw that it's state was similar to the family room. Dishes were broken, pots and pans were scattered everywhere, the refrigerator door was hanging open, and Ken was sitting with his head resting on the table, appearing to have passed out.

Nick crossed the room to his mom, who was sitting on the floor with her back against the wall and her face in her hands. She jumped when Nick touched her arm. She had dried blood on her upper lip, and her right eye was swollen. Her face was drenched with tears that she hadn't bothered to wipe away.

She stared at him, understandably confused, for several seconds before speaking. "Nick? What are you doing—"

He put his hand gently over her mouth, hoping they'd be able to get out of there without Ken waking up. But they weren't that lucky. As Nick helped his mom into a standing position, he heard the voice that he had prayed he'd never hear again.

"What...the...fuck are you doing in my house?" His voice was quiet and dark—the darkest Nick had ever heard it. Ken's eyes were bloodshot as they bore into Nick's. Based on the twitching happening in the right one, Nick guessed that there was more than just alcohol in his system.

Ken pointed to Nick's mom. "Did she call you?"

Nick was still holding on to his mom's arm, and he felt her shivering.

"No," he let go of her so she could stand behind him. "Your son did. He told me you were drunk out of your mind and was terrified."

Ken waved off his words. "That kid's a pussy."

Nick clenched his hands into fists in an attempt to control his anger. He turned around toward his mom. "We're leaving."

"Like hell you are!" Ken stumbled around the table, almost falling when he tripped over a chair leg, and stormed over to Nick. He was trying to look intimidating, but it was just pathetic.

Ken pulled his arm back, aiming his fist at Nick's face, but Nick caught it in the air. "Don't."

He took a step toward Ken and looked down at him—reminding Ken that he wasn't backing down. In fact, Nick had to resist the urge to slam Ken's head into the kitchen table. The only thing stopping him were the three boys waiting for him in his car right now.

"Let me tell you what you're not going to do," Nick started, through gritted teeth. "You're not going to scare me. You're not going to treat me like the kid you loved to beat up on. You're not going to act like you should have any authority over my brothers or my mother. And you're not going to try and stop me from taking them away from here."

"I don't fucking think so! Where they gonna go? They need me!"

"You're wrong about that." Nick's voice sounded so cold, even to his own ears, that he wasn't surprised when Ken started to cower.

"Mom, go to the car." Nick didn't move his eyes off of Ken. He knew the second he turned his back, Ken would take the opportunity.

"Don't you fucking dare!" Ken pointed his finger over Nick's shoulder.

"Simon and Olly are already out there, Mom. Just go."

Ken narrowed his eyes when he realized that he'd already lost control of the situation. Nick could hear his mom's feet shuffle out of the room and toward the front door.

Nick stepped backward. "Don't follow us."

The scowl didn't leave Ken's face in the time it took Nick to leave the kitchen. He finally turned his back when he reached the hallway and grabbed Simon and Olly's bag from the floor. He continued to listen for sounds of movement behind him. He didn't hear anything by the time he exited the house.

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