4. Bailey

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Despite my worry that Missy is going to pull my arm out of socket, she is still able to make me laugh. She is so excited about moving out of the dorms that she can't wait one more moment, even though we're not actually moving for three months.

When we reach the top of the stairs, she finally slows her pace and turns to me. "Okay, so Abby and Derek have already picked their rooms, so it's between you, Patrick and me for the last three. Since Patrick is already gone for the summer, I guess he gets last pick."

I laugh. "Okay, which one did Abby pick?" Even though I haven't stepped foot into this house in five months, I remember the exact layout. I was here so much when I dated Evan.

Missy points to the right. "The last one on this side."

I smile. Abby picked Evan's old room. I told her that I didn't want to stay in that one, so she made it so I wouldn't even have the option. "I'll take the one across the hall from her?" That room was Steven's. I barely ever saw him, so there shouldn't be any memories there.

Missy starts walking that direction. "That's perfect. I'll take the one next to you, so it'll be like girls on one side and boys on the other."

I laugh again. She is just so...adorable. I try to open the door to my future bedroom, but it's locked. Either Steven is in there hiding from the party, or someone commandeered it to hook up. Either way, I don't need to go in there.

I turn to walk back downstairs. I need to join Nick and Derek's conversation. Derek doesn't know that Nick doesn't know that we're going to be living together, so I have no idea what might pop out of his mouth. I'm glad Abby is with them though because she knows the entire situation.

This is all so exhausting. I just need to tell Nick, and then I won't have to remember who knows what or worry about someone saying something to someone else. If I explain it the right way, he may not even get upset. I mean, I know that there is absolutely nothing between Derek and I, but Nick seems to have a hard time believing that.

As I'm walking away, I hear someone call my name from Evan's room. "Bailey?"

And sure enough, when I turn to look, it's Evan. I haven't seen him since before I broke up with him over the phone on Winter break. "Hi, Evan."

He isn't supposed to be here. Abby assured me that Evan had already gone home for the summer. That's the only reason I decided to come. I never would have brought Nick if I knew Evan would be here.

"Hi," Missy adds, still standing next to me. "How are you?" I'm grateful that she's doing the talking. I appear to have lost my voice.

"I'm good, how about you two?" Evan asks us, but he doesn't take his eyes off me.

"We're good," Missy answers. "Excited to move in here. Why did you decide to move out anyway?"

Evan clears his throat. "I'm, um, actually moving in with my girlfriend."

"I see," Missy says, and I see her looking at me from the corner of her eye for a reaction.

I'm relieved. And much more comfortable now.

"That's great!" I finally speak.

Evan lets out a breath and smiles for the first time. "Yeah. It is. She's great. She's actually here somewhere, probably dancing downstairs I would guess."

"Yeah, you did always like the dancers," I tease.

"What can I say? I have a type."

I hear a "Missy!" come from the other side of the stairway. "I'll see you guys later," she says before walking quickly to whichever friend called her name--leaving Evan and I alone.

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