38. Nick

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He and Eva return to the backyard and Cam spots Nick almost instantly. "Where the hell have you two been?"

He seems suspicious, and concerned. Nick shakes his head and is grateful when Eva walks away. "We weren't doing whatever you're thinking."

"Good. Because I'd have to kick your ass for Bailey's sake. Just because you're in a fight, it doesn't mean you can do...that." He tilts his head toward Eva, who appears to be hitting on another guy. He seems much more interested than Nick was, so hopefully that will keep her away.

"Yeah. I know."

Nick debates telling Cam what actually happened in the bathroom but decides against it. He knows he would just feel guilty for bringing Nick here in the first place.

Besides, it's just a pill—and not even a whole one. Nick probably won't feel any different anyway. What's the point in worrying Cam?

There's one patio table that a few them sit around, and Nick listens to their conversations. But with no background context, he has no fucking clue what they're talking about.

After awhile, he realizes that he hasn't had a drink since they've been here. Cam has been nursing a beer which he must have gotten while Nick was in the bathroom. But Nick doesn't even want alcohol, he needs some water. His mouth is like the fucking Sahara desert.

He stands up without a word and walks toward the backdoor. He's not sure how safe the water is here but doesn't care at this point.

To the right of the door, though, is a table holding an iPod and speakers. The sounds coming out of it are not like anything Nick has ever heard. He has no choice but to stop and listen.

The singer's voice is like angels calling. The lyrics, fucking poetry. The drum beat is in tune with his own heart, and the guitar riffs are flowing through his veins. He picks up the iPod to see what band this is. Megadeath. He'll need to remember that.

Cam comes up to him. "Dude, what the fuck are you doing?"

Nick looks up at him and pauses, waiting for his brain to catch up to his eyes. Everything seems to be on a delay. He tries to reply to Cam, but his throat is so dry that it's difficult to speak.

"What?" is all he manages to say.

"You've been standing here by yourself for thirty minutes. Are you okay?"

Thirty minutes? It felt like thirty seconds.

Nick tries to swallow but it feels like sand paper going down his throat. "I'm good. Just got distracted, I guess."

"Whatever. You want a hit?" He holds out a half-smoked joint toward Nick.

The idea of inhaling any type of smoke makes Nick cringe. "Nah. Imma get a drink. Be back in a minute."

He helps himself to a cup in the kitchen, not worrying about overstepping. After all, no can really own a cup, or a kitchen. They belong to everyone. To the earth. Just like the water—the glorious water running down Nick's throat to settle in his stomach.

He chugs one full glass before refilling it and drinking another one just as quickly. He's finishing his third one when Eva steps inside. She has an empty water bottle in her hand.

"Holy fuck, I'm feeling fucking awesome," she says, leaning against the counter side by side with Nick.

He hadn't been paying attention, but now that he isn't dying of thirst, he does feel pretty damn good.

He'd been too hard on Eva. Deep down, she was probably a nice girl who just wanted some attention. Bailey would've seen the good in her—just like she did with him.

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