19. Bailey

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I wait with anticipation for Nick's answer. His eyebrows are creased, and he appears to really be trying to come up with something. I should probably stop grinding on him, but it feels really damn good. And it worked to distract him from my lie.

There was no way I was going to bring down our moods right now by talking about Derek again. I'm feeling wonderful, and I think Nick is, too. After our day today, we need it.

"When we were freshmen, I almost asked you to Homecoming," Nick says, causing me to pause my movements.

"Seriously? Why?"

There had to be a reason. By the time we reached high school, Nick and I weren't even on speaking terms. He was at our house all the time, but we had figured out an intricate dance in order to avoid each other pretty successfully.

He takes a deep breath. "Well...all the guys knew you were going with Conner Smith, and he was practically bragging at lunch one day about how he was going to back out because he started dating Stephanie.

"It pissed me off. And as much as you hated me at the time, I didn't want to see you disappointed by that fucker." He slides his hands up my back, pulling me down so I'm resting on his chest. "So I decided I was going to ask you. I thought maybe you'd be desperate enough because I knew how much you were looking forward to it. And I also knew you would never go without a date.

"And anyway, by the time I got to your house that night after being berated by Ken after school, Ian told me that Conner talked to you and you already had another date."

"Yeah, I remember that. I went with Henry," I say, remembering how he had stopped me as I was walking away from Conner. I always had a feeling that he knew what we had been talking about. "But, Nick, I can't believe you were going to do that for me."

His kisses the top of my head while his hands continue trailing up and down my back. His fingertips are a gentle breeze on my skin.

"I think about it sometimes, especially lately. That if I would have just gone to your house after school instead of home, or talked to you in PE that day, how would my life have been different?

"Would you have said no and crushed my confidence forever? Or said yes and we would have started dating? Or at least been friends? Where would we be now? We could have been together for almost five years now. How much time has been wasted?"

I look up at him, resting my chin on his chest. "I love you so much."

He rubs his thumb along my cheek. "Always."

"I don't know what I would have said," I say honestly. "But I do think we came together when we were supposed to, just like you said in your letter."

He smiles, looking down at me. "So now it's your turn. Tell me something I don't know about you."

I know there was a reason I started this game. Oh yeah, to bring up the whole Derek thing. I can't do that now—not after Nick's confession. I'll just need to go with the plan I had for after I told him. I sit up and lean back awkwardly to reach my purse.

"Don't tell me you have more weed," Nick says as I search through my bag.

"No." I start giggling while I find what I'm looking for. "What you don't know about me is that I am now a Lead Lifeguard."

"Okay," Nick says, confused. "Congratulations?"

"And with that, comes more responsibilities. Like..." I show him the key in my hand. "I get to open those front doors right there," I point behind me. "Whenever I want."

Nick's eyes brighten. "Are you shitting me? Right now?"

"The pool doesn't open for the summer for two more days. No one will know we were here." I open the side door and climb off of him. I start walking across the parking lot with no doubt that Nick will be right behind me.

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