36. Bailey

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*A/N - I'm not sure if I've already made this clear or not, but bold font is text messages.


Me: Good luck in ur training today!

Nick: Thanks

Me: Do u want to call me when ur done?

Nick: I think u were right. It will be better to talk face 2 face

Me: K. I couldn't sleep at all last nite

Nick: Me neither. I'm going into work now. Talk to u tomorrow

Me: I'm leaving as soon as I get off work. I love you


Me: I can't wait to see u

Nick: I want to see u 2. I've missed u, despite everything

Me: I'm so sorry

Nick: We'll talk tonite

Me: I love you

Nick: Always

I read that last word at least a hundred times. He's going to forgive me! I know it now.

I just need to run home, change clothes and grab my overnight bag. Then I'm on my way to see Nick and fix all of this. I'm loving the new sense of confidence I'm feeling.

There is an unfamiliar car in the driveway, but I don't worry about it. It's probably one of my parents' friends. I am slightly more confused, though, when I see my mom and dad watching TV, alone. Must be someone for Ian, then.

I say hi to them as I pass and rush up the stairs. I think I'll wear my jean shorts that are Nick's favorite and—oh my God!

I open my door and see the unexplained visitor. She's on my bed fully clothed—shoes and all—and in what appears to be a deep, deep sleep. Her hair is it's natural dirty blonde, without a pink highlight in sight.

"Mandy!" I shout and jump on to the bed next to her.

She startles awake but starts laughing right away. "Nice to see you too."

I practically crawl on top of her to give her a hug and pull away a full thirty seconds later. "Now where the hell have you been?"

She throws her head back dramatically. "Oh Bailey, where haven't I been? But most recently, working at a vineyard with no cell phone service, in case you were wondering. The only way to use a phone was a landline in a nearby village general store."

"Holy shit, you were living in colonial times."

She laughs. "Yeah, except with a lot more wine."

"Well I'm so happy you're here now. Why didn't you tell me you were coming?!?"

"I'm just full of surprises." She's smiling but the teasing note leaves her the longer we sit here. Something is up. No one has seen her since Christmas, and she just shows up out of nowhere?

"Wait. Who's car did you drive?"

"It's a rental. I came here straight from the airport. My parents don't even know I'm here yet. And I told your parents that I wanted it to be a surprise so they wouldn't call them."

"Okay." I say, and I wait. She will tell me when she's ready.

"I need to talk to you, and I'm trying to think of how to say it," she acts like she's explaining, but I know she's really just stalling.

Always & Forever (Nick & Bailey #2)Where stories live. Discover now