32. Bailey

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"So, what's new?" Veronica asks as we take our seats at the only coffee shop in town. V has her caramel macchiato while I sip my classic iced tea. "I thought we'd hang out all summer, but you've basically been MIA."

"I know. I know. This summer has gone by so fast. With working at the pool, and then helping Nick with his bartending job, I've barely had time to think."

"But what about you? Have you been able to have any rest? Or fun?" She asks, seeming genuinely concerned.

I have to seriously consider my answer. It seems like every spare moment I've had for the last three months has been devoted to Nick in some way. Either by helping him at work, or working flashcards while he's studying, or just trying be present so he knows I support him.

"I have fun with Nick," I finally answer.

She gives me an obvious pity-smile before moving on. "At least you always respond to my texts, which is more than I can say for some people, like your cousin."

"Tell me about it. When Mandy first left for Europe, her and I talked at least a couple times a month, but now I literally haven't talked to her since March. That's five months!"

"Are we sure she's still alive?"

I look up to see if V's joking but can't tell exactly. "Yes. She still talks to her parents occasionally, but that's usually because she needs them to wire her some more money from her savings account."

"Good. I was only teasing...but kind of not, too."

"I get it." I tell her.

"And how is Mr. Robinson? The boy who's stolen your time from me?"

I start to reply with my stock answer of 'fine', but decide to skip it. "Honestly, it's been weird. I only see him a couple days a week, and every time I do visit him, he has to work.

"That's not his fault, but then on the rare occasions that we are actually alone, all we do is have sex. I feel like I haven't had a real conversation with him in months."

"How about, next time, you just don't have sex?"

"Don't be ridiculous."

She laughs and rolls her eyes. "Maybe it will be better when you're back at school?"

"I doubt it. V, I'm keeping something from him, which I hate. I know I have to tell him, but I also know it will create a huge argument. And we're already on such fragile ground. I'm going crazy, to be honest."

"Can I ask what the big secret is?"

I take a deep breath and tell V about Derek living with me, and Nick's feelings towards Derek, and Derek's cluelessness about it all.

When I'm done, her eyes are wide. She places her hands on top of mine. "Bailey, you're moving in two weeks. You need to tell him."

And now's my chance.

Nick came home to see his brothers—and me, I'm assuming—and I convinced him to go with me to Target.

Our small town doesn't have one, so it's a half of an hour drive to get to it. Nick and I listen to the radio, both in relative silence. My mind is on hyperdrive trying to figure out the best way to bring up what I don't want to bring up.

After ten minutes, I decide that I can't talk about it now. I legitimately need stuff for the new house, and I won't be able to get it if Nick forces me to turn the car around because he can't stand to be near me.

"Are you mad at me or something?" He asks eventually. "Why are you being so quiet?"

"No. I just...am thinking."

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