57. Bailey

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When I open my eyes, the first thing I notice is that it's still dark outside. I must have only been asleep for an hour or two. I look to my left and see that Nick is still beside me, but he's sitting up, resting against the back of the couch. The only light is coming from the kitchen behind him.

He looks worried, pinching his bottom lip. I've seen him do this a few times this evening. It's new, but it's kind of hot.

"What's wrong?" I ask, attempting to rub the sleep out of my eyes.

His eyes shift toward me, and he releases his lip. "Just thinking."

I sit up, keeping the blanket raised to cover my chest. "About what?"

"About you."

"Well in that case, you have to tell me." I shift my legs to straddle his lap, tucking the blanket under my arms so my body remains mostly in shadow. Now that we're not in the throws of passion, my self-consciousness is returning.

He notices, but doesn't say anything. Instead, he looks into my eyes. "Am I going to be able to do it this time? Be who you deserve?"

"Why would you say that, baby?" I lean into his neck and smell his soap. Like a drug, it immediately relaxes me. "You've always been who I want. I knew who you were in there.." I point to the center of his chest. "...the whole time. Our connection is undeniable, and things are different now."

"I hope so."

I do too. But one thing that I am completely sure of is that I'm not giving up easily. I will fight tooth and nail for this boy. Being with him after so much time apart has only made that more clear.

I kiss his neck softly, and he chuckles. "What about taking things slow after last night?"

"I think that stipulation continues until the sun rises, at least." I let the blanket fall to my waist.

"You are such a bad influence." He says but puts his hands on my thighs anyway.

I grind my hips into his and feel his cock getting longer and thicker until it's a hard rod between our bodies. His eyes don't leave mine as my body takes over, and I start running my clit up and down it.

And holy shit, I could get off from doing this alone. His satiny skin along my bundle of nerves is fucking phenomenal.

A look of wonderment takes over his face. He's looking up at me through heavy eyelids—lips hanging open, fingers digging into my flesh. I raise myself up higher, and with no effort whatsoever, ease back down, allowing him inside.

We both hold our breaths for a moment as I stretch around him. I'm still sore from a few hours ago, so I know I am squeezing him tight. My body protesting the invasion, and at the same time demanding it, as I begin sliding up and down him.

Nick bites his lip in an effort to stay calm, and it's irresistible. I practically growl as I devour his mouth—his lips, his tongue, his teeth. I want it all.

"I love you," he says when we break apart to breathe. He looks almost looks pained as he sucks in air while I start rolling my pelvis into his—pressing him against every part of my insides. "You are perfect, Bailey. Don't ever think otherwise."

I shake my head slightly—not wanting to hear his patronizing words. I may not be hideous, but I'm far from perfect.

"The way you look," he continues and runs his hands up my ribs before resting his thumbs just below my breasts. His mouth drops open when I hit a particularly sensitive spot.

"And the way you taste." He leans forward and sucks the skin on my breastbone.

"And the way you feel." He thrusts his hips up, reaching even deeper than he had before, causing me to gasp and throw my head back. "It's perfect. Every part of you."

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