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Edited: 02/11/23
Reuploaded 04/11/23


F/n walked through the entryway of the house, flipping through the envelopes he'd picked up from the door, he glanced across the recipients. They were all for him save for the two addressed to the live-in butler and nanny, and two addressed to his daughter. He took a moment to try think over any reason why she'd have any post before shrugging and stopping at the bottom of the stairs.

"Y/n! You have mail!" he shouted up to her.

Within one of the rooms h/c haired teen was lounging across her bed, headphones sat on her head and the sound of a particular show being blasted through them. She was doing yet another rewatch of one of her favourite anime because of a con she was attending with her friends. Naruto. She was excited for the con, just waiting for the tickets to arrive. She pulled her earphones out and waited a moment, wondering if she just imagined her dad calling her before the sound of her name being called again sounded and she quickly got up. Running out of her room, she jumped on the banister of stairs and slid down to where her father was stood with the envelopes in his hand. He raised his brow and waited as he watched her slide down towards him.

"Have you not heard of stairs before?" he asked her before holding out the two envelopes addressed to her. She just stuck her tongue out at him and muttered something childish before taking the envelope, muttering out a quick 'thank you' before opening one to see that she had made it to the semi finals of a martial arts competition that she'd attended not too long ago that had been left in a 'under decision' kind of moment after her final fight of the previous round had ended a bit strangely. They wanted to review the tapes before making any solid decisions. She gave the letter to her father who skimmed it over as she opened the other envelope.

"Oh wow, congrats, kid," f/n shot her a pride filled smile as her face adopted a wide, excited smile.

"Oh my gosh-- no way! I have tickets to the.... Oh my --" she squealed excitedly and hugged her father excitedly. The tickets to the convention were in that envelope, "the convention! Dad! I got the tickets!"

"What convention?" he asked quickly as she let him go, still bouncing on the balls of her feet though, clearly not able to contain her excitement.

"The convention I told you about. The one I want to go to with Sugina!" she reminded him.

"Ah. Yes, I remember now. Remember you can only go if you get into the finals of your competition though," he told her as he guided her around to the dining table to eat dinner, "That's what we agreed when we got the tickets."

"Yup, I know," she nodded before doing a few punches to the air, "I won't lose any fights in the semis. Just you watch."


"Well done, y/n! You came out on top again! I'm truly proud of my little ninja," her father ruffled her hair as they exited the building her tournament was held in with success weighing heavily on their shoulders and happy smiles. Her coach was boasting about the win to some of the other coaches who'd unfortunately been caught by her on their way out of the building.

"Your mother would be so proud of you, kid," he told her as he gave her a quick side squeeze hug as his phone began ringing, "I'll see you at home. Enjoy your celebratory dinner with that wild lady."

He jabbed his thumb back to her coach still boasting.

"Have a good day at work, dad," y/n replied as she glanced back to her coach and laughed slightly. She waved as he answered his phone and walked off, waving back at her as he left and then she turned and waited for her coach.

'Your mother would be proud of you', a phrase that's never failed to make her feel great. But what was even greater what the buzz of her win and also the excitement of the convention in the coming weeks.


"Have fun at the convention! Remember the rules and be careful!" f/n waved his daughter off as the car she was in began to drive away from the house. Y/n waved out of the window to him before sitting back into the back seat of the car properly again. She looked at Sugina, her best friend, and they both started to gush about the convention, complimenting each others cosplays. Y/n was in her gender bent Shikamaru cosplay while Sugina was dressed as Ino.

"We need to find a Choji since Yue refused to join us," Sugina exclaimed with a determined look as they both began to walk the convention once they'd finally reached their destination.

"Conventions aren't really Yue's thing but yeah. Totally. We definitely need to find Choji,"y/n agreed quickly, "dude I am so excited."

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