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Edited: 28/05/24
Reuploaded: 30/05/24


Old (left) – New (right)
¬ Vine Cage (landscape jutsu) = Vine Ensnarement Jutsu
¬ Natural Hearing (tree dance) = Leaf Whisper Jutsu
¬ Root Grab (landscape jutsu) = Root Snare Jutsu
¬ Steel whip (tree dance) = Steal Whip Jutsu
¬ Natural surveillance (tree dance) = Natural Surveillance Jutsu
¬ Plant army (tree dance) = Plant Army Jutsu
¬ Liana clones (tree dance) = Liana Clone Jutsu
¬ Shallow plant (landscape jutsu) = Plant Phasing Jutsu
¬ Tree tracking (landscape jutsu) = Tree Tracking
¬ Tracking tools = Tracking tools


"We meet again," Tzuu whispers in my ear as she appeared behind me suddenly. I quickly jumped away and pulled out two kunai, ready to defend myself.

"I'm not here to fight... not this time," Tzuu announced, her hands raised in a mock surrender as I threw the material around my mouth and nose away, letting the wind carry it away from me again.

"What're you doing here?" I asked her, my tone laced with venom and hatred for this girl. Twice she's attacked me. Twice she's gotten the upper hand. Well not again. Not a third time.

"I came to pick you up," she replied with a shrug.

"I'm not going with you," I replied, standing straight and mirrored her half assed shrug. She just frowned.

"Are you really Lady y/n?" Lord f/n asked.

"Just y/n, and I guess," I corrected him before spinning my kunai on my index fingers before looking straight at him.

"My baby girl!" the woman exclaimed, coming in my direction, arms out for a hug. I quickly avoided it and went to the opposite side of the sand siblings to where she was stood.

This is weird.

This feels weird.

Why would I do this to myself?

"Sorry, I don't actually know who you are," I apologised. The sand siblings were just watching the scene play out in front of them, clearly not all that certain of what they should do.

"You seem to remember Tzuu pretty well," Lord f/n replied with a nasty frown on his face.

"Oh, I'm sorry I remember the face of the girl who froze me for days and the one who knocked me out," I apologised sarcastically.

"Tzuu! You failed to mention that in your report!" Lord f/n snapped at the girl who just frowned.

"I did what I had to do," she muttered before walking back to the carriage, "I hate sand."

"The sand probably hates you too," I mumbled to myself with an unamused expression before averting my gaze towards the people who claimed to know me.

"You must've hit your head, we'll get you home and have Sandrea to go unlock your memory," the woman begs, I shake my head.

Who the hell is Sandrea?

"You look unmistakably like my parents back at home but you're no parents of mine," I replied coldly, "my parents aren't alive anymore. The only family I have is Sunagakure and people within Konohagakure. Nowhere else."

"Can anyone else feel the coldness rolling off that brat?" I heard one of the guards whisper to another. I shook my head and looked at the adults disappointed faces.

"We understand, excuse our intrusion then," Lord f/n said.

"Wait! But she's my sister! I know she is!" the little girl shouted, she ran over to me and grabbed my wrists, "you're my sister. Don't deny it. You're my big sister!"

"Darling, you're next in line for the leader position, watch out for your cousin though, whoever it is... they're coming for you position, so focus on your studies and not on people who you don't know," I told her coldly, sending an icy glare down at her before shaking her off and walking away back towards the entrance before stopping when I heard someone pulling out a sword.

"Root snare jutsu!" I shouted. Roots popped out the ground and wrapped around the guard who was about to raise his sword at Kankuro.

"Yeesh—thanks, y/n," Kankuro thanked me. I just nodded.

"You have y/n's answer, now I suggest you leave before we don't have a friendly acquainted relationship," Gaara warned them. Lord f/n just turned around with a 'tch' as the woman grabbed the little girl and dragged her back to the carriage. I approached the guard and tapped the roots and grabbed the sword as the roots disappeared.

"Don't raise your sword at Kankuro or any other resident of the sand ever again. It never ends well," I warned the man before turning and standing in between Gaara and Kankuro as they turned around and started leaving in a commotion.

"Who were those weird people?" Kankuro asked as the four of us turned and started walking into the village.

"Y/n?" Temari called me, I looked at her questioningly, "did you know them."

I sighed and put my hand in my pocket and pulled out the photo collage from the normal world I'd managed to grab before leaving. I flipped through them until I came across the one with me and my parents when I was a baby. I passed it to her.

"My parents' look alikes," I replied. The three of them looked at the photo and then passed it back.

"That's... so weird. For a moment there I thought they were going to knock you out and throw you into the carriage," Kankuro says as I put the photo back into my pocket.

"I wouldn't have let them," Gaara said quickly, grabbing my hand and giving it a light squeeze.

"I wouldn't have gone down without a fight either," I nodded, squeezing his hand back.

"It's alright now," he told me, I knew it was alright, I think that statement was more him than for me.

I think this last moment was all I needed to finally secure me for good into this world. No more problems pertaining to my OC's already existing life. It's been solved. I've securely separated myself from all of that. Now I can just be me. Not worrying about anything but what happens to Sunagakure now.

"I am curious why they just easily got up and left without argument if they were so adamant you were their daughter," Temari sighed. Now that I think about it, it is pretty strange. I mean, if I knew my daughter was in front of me and with a bunch of strangers, I probably would've come around all hell on my side until I got her again. Maybe they're doubting their eyes or something? It doesn't matter, what matters is I am here, and no one is taking me away.

"Who cares? We still have y/n here with us, right now. We aren't losing her today," Kankuro shrugged the topic off and sent us a big grin.

Thank you, Kankuro.

"Don't tell me I got to sit on that wall and watch the sand and rocks not decide to attack today again," I begged, just trying to change the conversation as well.

"The sand and rocks... attack... what?" they give me a confused look.

"It's a real issue," I nodded, humouring myself again, "the rocks and sand get the will to come in and kill us by tickling us to death."

Now they're looking at me pretty amused, obviously trying to not laugh at my childishness.

"Man—can't allow them to steal my upper hand against you, y/n," Temari sends me a mischievous smirk as I remember her tickling me a while back. I quickly hid behind Gaara, forgetting I was still holding his hand and pulling him back slightly as we continued walking.

"Eheheh," I laughed awkwardly, "let's not..."

Temari and Kankuro laughed at me like I was a clown, Gaara just smiledand pulled me from behind him again, giving me a small nudge as we walked sideby side...

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