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Edited: 29/05/24
Reuploaded: 30/05/24


"Lady Katsuyu, what's happening over there?" I asked the slug on my shoulder.

"Pain told Naruto that Jiraiya was his sensei as well," she replied.

Another summon was sent in Naruto's direction when the shuriken expanded and took down a Pain.

"Please be careful, when you strike it turns into greater and greater numbers," Mr Gamaken says as we all focused on the multi headed dogs who just kept dividing every time we hit it.

"So? Why didn't you tell me before?" Chief Toad asked, Mr Gamaken just turned and said:

"You see? I'm ungraceful..."

Someone needs to give this guy some affirmation ceremonies.

"Alright, so how do we handle this?" the other toad asked, Gamahiro I think his name is, I can't remember that well.

The three toads who came to help Naruto was Gamaken, Gamabunta (of Chief Toad) and... Gama.. Hiro? I'm fairly certain it was Gamahiro—Hiro boy. Yeah. Must be Gamahiro.


"We just have to endure it for now," Gamaken replied.

"If we want it gone, we have to get the summoner to get rid of them," I said just as Gamabunta got knocked down.

He was then raised off the ground and thrown to the Pains.

Gamaken and Gamahiro were getting ready to fight off the dogs and I had all off my vines and roots flying out the ground ready to grab them when they all poofed. Just suddenly, in a single second.

We watched as Naruto started beating the hell out of Pain after Fukasaku summoned a clone of Naruto appeared and then disappeared away again.

"Well that works too, I suppose," I muttered, watching as Naruto made the wind shuriken again.

"He's crazy to do that again after they know the effects of it!" I shouted just as one of the Pains jumped down and sucked the jutsu in again, "what a pain..."

I sighed and sat down on Mr Gamaken's head while watching Naruto take one Pain down one at a time.

"Go, Naruto!" I shouted, throwing my fist in the air and high fiving Mr Gamaken's finger.

Fukasaku started explaining Naruto's tactics.

"He's gotten smarter," I complimented him just before magnet Pain pushed Naruto and his clone away.

The frogs started playing whack a mole with the jumping Pains as Naruto spoke with Katsuyu and formed a plan with Fukasaku and Shima.

The magnet Pain jumped up.

"Again. Almighty Push!" he said.

"Oh no..." I managed to say before we were all thrown back in three separate directions.

Darkness took over my body when we finally stopped moving.


I groaned as I opened my eyes to see the top of a tent.

I sat up, my body screaming at me as I did. The pain was immense.

"What the—how'd I get in here, then?" I muttered, forcing myself to my feet and looking down. I had a shirt unbuttoned and just around my shoulders and a pair of shorts, my whole torso was covered in bandages and my right arm was also bandaged. My left ankle was bruised but I decided that I'd survive all of these injuries and walked out of the tent, lifting the flap with my non bandaged arm, and looking around to see a ton of people running back and forth with large planks of wood. I was knocked out until they started getting repairs done again?

Wow, the knowledge of the future is pretty useless when you're knocked out before you can really do anything.

"Miss y/n, please go back into you're tent, you're not fit to be walking," a medical ninja noticed me and caught the attention of other ninja and people.

"Y/n!" Naruto came flying at me and latched onto me happily causing me to stagger back awkwardly, "you're ok!"

"Not if you don't get off her, Naruto," Sakura appeared by his side with Team Guy, Team 8 and 10. They all smiled at me as Naruto let me go and straightened himself up.

"How're you feeling?" Ino asked me, I shrugged and turned around, going back into the tent, and gesturing for everyone to follow me in. I sat down in one of the chairs and sighed as Sakura started checking me over.

"So... why're you here again, I don't think you told me when we spoke the other day?" Choji asked, I smiled remembering.

"Because I heard about Jiraiya and wanted to give my condolences from myself and the sand village. I also have news," I replied as they all sat down around the tent.

"And that is?" Lee asked, leaning forward curiously.

"MeandGaaraaredating," I said quickly. They all looked at me blankly.

"In Japanese please?" Neji asked irritated. I took a deep breath in and exhale.

"Me and Gaaraaredating," I said again, no slower but a bit more understandable. They all sat there stunned before I felt someone's arm drape around my neck.

"Told you the cheeks don't lie," it was Ino, she kept poking my cheeks as she spoke.

"Stop it, you!" I hissed at her, hitting her hand away and sighing.

"So... how long?" Tenten asked.

"You girls are just gossip begging machines. Please, I only came to tell you that," I sighed, they didn't stop looking at me like they wanted to know more, "but if you must know, since... a while ago?"

"How long is 'a while ago'," Lee asked.

"I don't know, a month or so?" I can't remember how long, I'm not that great at remembering. Especially after being knocked around like I just have been.

"So, how bad do you think Gaara is reacting to this situation? I'm sure Shizune would've asked the sand for aid," Shikamaru asked, the smile that was on my face fell quickly.

"Oh no..." I whispered, "she didn't tell them I got hurt did she?"

"I think she did," Hinata replied quietly.

"I'll never be let off for this one," I whined, "they'll fuss over me for an eternity! I'm so done for. Fuck—"

Everyone looked at me amused.

"That's what you get for getting hurt," Sakura scolded, "if anyone, you should know that the most."

"Wow... you sound like Sugina and Yue, please stop," I muttered to myself.

Sugina and Yue?

Sug...ina...? Yue?

I frowned.

Why do those names make me feel so sad?

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