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Edited: 29/05/24
Reuploaded: 30/05/24


I leaned back in my seat.

Inoichi Yamanaka was just sat around his weird sensory and information gathering orb. It was quiet in the room while everyone was working on their individual assignments.

Suddenly, something passed my outer ring of plant soldiers.

"I sense something coming here, and fast," I announced, everyone looked up.

It was myself, Inoichi Yamanaka, Shikaku Nara, Ao of the hidden mist and his team and a few others from a few other villages like C of the hidden cloud. Actually, C is quite interesting, he's got this older brother vibe. I'm quite fond of him, to be honest.

I mean, he's 26 years old, he's like an 9 years older brother to my 17 year old self.

I jumped up and walked to the door of our sensory building just as a large amount of bugs came flying at me with a scroll. They dropped it in my hand and disappeared.

I couldn't help but to cringe slightly at them before backing up slightly.

Ok, just stomach it, y/n, it's rude to get disgusted over the skills of another ninja, no matter how much you're not a fan of flying things let along flying bugs. Eugh.

"Flies?" I questioned before walking back into the room, "Muta of the Aburame clan has sent word."

I only knew it was Muta because his name was written across the tab.

"Pass it over," Inoichi called, I threw it and he caught it, opened it and myself, Ao, Inoichi and Shikaku stood around a table as we read it.

"We would've missed this without Muta Aburame's Intel," Ao announced, well duh?

"A large army is coming from underground," Ao recapped what we just found out, "we must extend our sensing range deeper."

"Underground?" I hummed in thought, "I can use my nature jutsu?"

They looked at me confused.

"Yeah, yeah, I know what you're thinking: 'why does a sand ninja have a nature jutsu?' let me tell you, I don't know. Don't judge me, just deal with it," I gave them an unamused expression before placing my hand on the floor, thin vines spread out and travelled through cracks and crevices and down deep underground.

"It appears that they're planning on passing right under our troops feet so, y/n, keep a close eye on everything those roots sense," Ao continued ordering.

He's talking to the Kage's too, can he not address me while he's doing that.

"They may attack us from the rear. It's a viable option. Open for consideration," he continued talking.

"Pick them up with earth style!" I heard the Raikage order. His voice was loud and echoey in this incredibly large room.

"We have to notify Kitsuchi of this immediately!" I heard the Tsuchikage add on.

I looked over to where Inoichi and his team of Yamanaka's (or the Intel unit as he likes to call them) to see they were all still sat eerily quiet with their weird metal boxes on their heads. They were like those freaky brain sucking machines that're connected to wires and machines in a sci-fi movie.

Another weird phrase that means nothing to me. Sci-fi movie. Interesting.

"I found them!" I announced as my roots seemed to cross over an area of chakra, "underground coordinates around 25,30. I can't cut it down any more without pulling up the flooring of the tiles for now."

"Perfect! Inoichi!" Ao looked over to the blonde who nodded.

"Intel unit, relay all this information," Inoichi ordered before they all nodded and fell silent.

"Relax for now, y/n," Ao told me. I nodded and stood up, the vines slowly retracting and disappearing. I walked back to my table that I shared with C. He looked over to me and passed me more paperwork.

And with this paperwork, I now know what it's like to be Gaara. Fun. Not—

Even out here they work your writing skills like crazy.

"Y/n, do you have a way we can get images from underground?" Ao asked, I let out a long sigh and nodded. Sitting down beside the sensing water sphere, I placed one hand on it and used my other to create a single plant soldier. It looked at me.

"Go and scout out underground, send me the images so I can relay. Be careful, don't be spotted," I told it, it nodded and disappeared through the crack in the floor. Images of what it could see flooded into my mind and I relayed them into the senor sphere.

There were thousands and thousands of copies of White Zetsu.

I wanted to flinch away from the orb in shock but I stopped myself. This is so surreal. There's so many. The never ending lines of White Zetsu just moved across my vision like a conveyor belt. One row disappears, another appears.

"There's so many of them," I whispered, it must've been louder than I expected though because I heard the Hokage agree with me.

Suddenly, the sound of the ground shifting echoed through the tunnel that the plant soldier was in, the White Zetsus were quickly sucked up from the tunnel and thrown above ground again.

After a while I couldn't see anymore because the soldier had been sucked up too. Making it poof away I opened my eyes and moved away from the sphere.

"That was... an incredible amount of manpower," I mumbled in awe. I remember White Zetsu not being too strong, it was Black Zetsu who could fight, but it didn't stop White Zetsu from being a pain in the ass while trying to fight the undead.

"Alright, we need to step up our game. Everyone, hands on the sphere," Ao announced, most people who weren't the Yamanakas all placed their hands on the sphere. My vision was taken over, everything looked like I was looking through the byakugan.

"Extend your ranges!" Ao shouted.

"Right," we all nodded, forcing our sensory ranges to expand. Mine didn't go too far because this isn't something I'm used to. But hey, it's far enough for me to see Kakashi's unit.

"Keep watch over your designated units and make sure you find any weaknesses in the enemies lines," Ao added. We all silently nodded. My eyebrows furrowing as I concentrated on the Zetsus and the reanimated ninja. I need to find the weaknesses.

What were they again?

Come on. Think. Think.

Wait—I can't remember anything. Not my friends. My family. No names. Not even the town/city I grew up in. I can't... no faces. Not even a semblance of an idea. I can't remember. I can't—

"Y/n! Concentrate!" C snapped in my ear.

My eyes flew open and I noticed Ao was glaring at me out of his one eye. I shot him a weak smile before concentrating on the sensing.

Why can't I remember them anymore?

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