Edited: 30/05/24
Reuploaded: 30/05/24°🥀°
Gaara's PoV
"Well apparently what you lack in eyebrows you more than make up with charisma," the second Mizukage said, I felt my irritance grow at his comment about my eyebrows, "hm, come to think of it, I'm just the same."
Oh really?
Please do explain...
"Then explain that sorry excuse for a moustache," the second Tsuchikage mocked/insulted the second Mizukage's style.
This just earned a grunt like huff to escape from the second Mizukage as he ignored the snarky comment that was thrown at him.
"If you're going to kill us, then why don't you guys start with the mummy here?" he shouted up at us. Ok I take it back, he definitely didn't ignore the snarky comment.
Inside I laughed but on the outside I stayed as emotionless as stone.
I mean... the second Tsuchikage does kind of look like a mummy. A rather strange one, but a mummy either way.
"I'll be more than happy to cheer you on!" he added on before crossing his arms.
I bet when those two were alive, they were a complete handful. They bicker like an old married couple... it's kind of amusing.
"So, he's your son then, is he?" the third Raikage finally spoke, "he's a fine shinobi."
Thank you, Lord A. Thank you.
A long silence settled over us as I landed onto the ground, my sand returning to my gourd. I kept my arms crossed as my unit moved forward a bit to see what was happening.
"It would seem that this reanimation jutsu may have a plus to it after all," Father broke the silence, leaning forward slightly and getting into a battle stance, "Come. Show me. Let me test you once again and determine your worth, Gaara. Can you defeat me? Or can't you?"
"Yes," the second Tsuchikage agreed with a slight nod, "Onoki, you must stop me. Against particle style, the number of enemies does not matter. You are the only one here who can stop me and you alone."
"I'm aware of that," the third Tsuchikage replied with a curt nod. I peered down to his floating form. Today we both fight a person who has taught us something. For the third, it's his jutsu, for me, it's my strength.
"Also, you must remember what I told you about allies after a victory. Once the war is over, the alliance too, becomes a fight for the riches of victory. That is what truly decides with village is to be the victor," the second Tsuchikage added on before the second Mizukage raised an arm. His sleeve overlapped his hand but I'm sure he was pointing at the half bandaged Tsuchikage standing a few paces behind him.
"Hey! Knock it off, Tsuchikage! You're just playing dirty now," he accused as the third Raikage copied the second Mizukage's motion and pointed as well.
"I won't let that happen," he declared.
"I have no intention of doing anything like that, Lord Mu, not at all. Never," the third Tsuchikage announced, causing the Mizukage and Raikage to drop their accusing fingers and gazes and then look towards the old man beside me.
"I see, so it seems that you didn't actually turn into a stubborn old geezer," the second Tsuchikage replied, his voice raised slightly indicating a tone of slight amusement as he mocked his students age and mind.
"I wouldn't be so sure yet, in any case we aren't in control of our own bodies right now, we've been sent to counter any kind of jutsu that the enemy, aka you guys, uses against us. So hurry and kill us, return us back to our eternal rest," the Mizukage scoffed before falling serious, "we'll even expose our strengths and weaknesses."
Good to know.
"But still it's going to be up to your power as shinobi to actually stop us," the Raikage announced, "and it isn't going to be easy in the slightest so don't get overconfident and cocky before you win."
I nodded a short and small nod before controlling my sand again, forcing it to move at my own will.
It shot forward, meeting with my Father's gold dust, which he'd manipulated at the same time to meet me and collided with a strangely satisfying bang.
"Move in! Everyone!" the third Tsuchikage shouted, everyone let out a 'yeah' and then went sprinting towards the two unoccupied Kage.
I raised my hand and stared at my sand.
"Now. Sand..." I trailed off slightly, making balls of sand and dropping them down while still pushing against his gold dust, forcing my Father to use the rest of his gold dust and protect himself from an upwards attack. However, the grains of sand that had fallen on the ground, all joined together and began climbing up my Father and the Raikage. I tightened my grip on the two of them, my Father tried to attack me from above but I pulled sand in the way to block his attack.
He thought that would defeat me?
I'm not that weak little boy anymore, he needs to realise that.
His face was filled with shock, remorse, anger, and a little hint of pride.
"You really have grown up, Gaara," he muttered, "what parents need to do is believe in their children. That one simple job is the real treasure."
My eyes widened in shock as I let out a struggled gasp.
What's he saying? Why's he saying this?
"Isn't that the whole truth of it, Karura?" he spoke, looking up into the sky as the sand around him finished taking the form of the image of my Mother that I'd memorised from the photo Uncle Yashamaru always kept around, "now I see it clearly. I didn't possess the ability to judge the real value of things."
"What do you mean by that?" I finally voiced my thoughts, frowning slightly at the thought of my Father, the man whom I thought hated me so much, speaking so remorsefully.
"No matter what," my Father started, "the sand will always protect you. But that is not Shukaku's power. No. It belongs to your Mother. It's Karura."
It's... Mothers?
"Your Mother loved you!"

Cold Eyes || Gaara x Reader
Fanfiction!! new cover !! Y/n is a simple girl, intelligent, good at martial arts, loves the Naruto series. Her life is changed when the unexpected happens and by sleeping with a charm on she's suddenly pulled into the world of Naruto! What lies there? Love? ...