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Edited: 27/05/24
Reuploaded: 30/05/24


"Gaara?" I questioned, but a blink later quickly proved to me that he wasn't there, and I must've just been imaging it, "what the—?"

"There you are!" Julie shouted as she opened the door to reveal a confused me in front of her, "geez what're you doing? Get changed already!"

"Alright, alright," I replied, taking one last look where Gaara was stood before going into the room, grabbing my bag, and getting changed in the toilet.

I came back out and Julie started wrapping the bandages around my feet while I did my hands.

"Shouldn't you be wearing a uniform or something?" Akio asked, I shook my head.

"I don't have a specific style of fighting so I'm in the mixed area meaning no uniform," I told him as I gestured to my clothes, "but it has to be suitable for exercise, so a sports bra and shorts are the way to go."

He nodded.

Akio was genuinely interested in this. Usually outsiders frown down on this kind of stuff. How many times have they called it just senseless violence?

"You're a weird kid, I hope you realise that, Akio," I told him. He just nodded.

"Of course," he smiled before grabbing Yue's hand and dragging him out to get drinks.

"First round: f/n l/n vs CJ Andrews!" the announcer announced over the speakers. Julie finished wrapping my feet and I jumped up and started walking to the fight area, stretching properly on the edge of the mat before readying myself to step on.

"You ready?" the spotter asked as we both stepped onto the foam mat. I nodded and CJ just nervously jumped around from foot to foot.

"Alright, first match, f/n l/n vs CJ Andrews, begin!" the spotter announced loudly, raising his hand, and then dropping it down indicating the start of our fight.

I didn't move, CJ was going to tire himself out pretty quickly on his own if he kept jumping around like he was.

"Yo, CJ," I caught his attention, "calm down."

He took a deep breath and then nodded, he'd stopped jumping around and then got into a fighting stance. I mirrored his movements by getting into my own stance. Lee's taijutsu stance. I must look ridiculous right now but who cares right? It's actually pretty useful, a good starting point, keeps me grounded.

Before CJ launched his attack, I noticed Yue and Akio had joined Julie and were both recording me.

3rd Person PoV

CJ and y/n stared each other down for a few moments before the boy put all his strength into the ball of his foot and pushed himself forward quickly, throwing punches at y/n.

Expecting his simplistic moves, y/n easily dodged each punch until she'd moved herself enough to throw a decent punch into his stomach. He noticed her position but failed to move quick enough. Y/n threw a strong punch into CJ's stomach causing him to curl over and cough violently as she jumped up and threw a kick at him.

CJ helplessly flew back and almost slid off the mat, he didn't because y/n grabbed his ankle and pulled him down harshly against the foamy surface.

"Ow—" the boy groaned, turning himself onto his side while clutching his stomach before slowly pulling himself up to his feet again.

"Sorry, I am trying to filter my strength," y/n apologised to the boy who just looked at her in disbelief.

"Filter your strength, my ass," he Mumbled to himself before running forward again, this time instead of punching her, he knocked himself to the floor and slid through her legs, grabbing her ankles, and spun himself around causing her to lose her balance and spin with him while hitting the floor with a painful thud.

She winced but noticed she was in the perfect position for a choke hold. Knowing this she grabbed one of his arms, pulled him closer to her and wrapped her legs around his neck in a triangle choke.

CJ frantically started hitting at her legs, trying to release himself before giving up and hitting the mat three times.

"Winner: f/n l/n!" the spotter announced loudly. Upon hearing those words, y/n released CJ and they pulled each other up off the ground.

They shook each other's hands and gave a small bow to conclude their fight.

"Seems like I lost again," he sighed, y/n just chuckled.

"Yeah, it does. Maybe next time!" she gave him an innocent smile before moving off the mat and going towards her friends.

"Congratulations, y/n! How do you feel to be back on the mat again?" Yue asked enthusiastically.

"Brilliant," she replied with a smile and a thumbs up.

Your PoV

I was feeling waves of nervousness, but I was extremely energetic after that.

I don't even know why I was nervous, this was nothing compared to my most recent fights. But I can definitely feel the difference between before I went to the ninja world and now.

After that fight I didn't have another one until tomorrow, so we just went back to the changing room. I grabbed my bag and went back to Julie's car where she drove us to our hotel.

"You were awesome!" Akio shouted, I laughed at his energy, "I am so happy I got to witness this in person!"

"You haven't seen anything yet. Y/n was fighting an old friend of hers, so she didn't go all out. Every round she'll add more strength and technique in," Julie tells Akio who seems to get more excited by the minute.

"You don't mind if I post my video on Instagram do you?" Akio asked as he remembered he has to asked, I shook my head.

"Tag me, I'd like to look over CJ's technique," I told him before disappearing into my room to shower.

Gaara's PoV

I am starting to get the feeling y/n isn't ever going to return.

I miss her so much. I didn't know I could ever feel like this about someone until now...

But wherever she is, as long as she's happy and safe, then I'll happily push this feeling away.

"Here's todays work," Baki came in with a stack of paper, he dumped them on my desk and the work I began.

He didn't leave though.

"Can I help you, Baki?" I asked him. He moved to the window and looked out before turning to me.

"Stop sulking."

"What?" I looked to my former sensei with confusion.

"I said stop sulking," he repeated himself, "you are just sulking all day. All because that girl hasn't returned yet."

I glared at him.

"What do you feel towards her, Gaara?" he continued. I sighed and dropped my head onto my desk.

"I think I love her. I am unsure," I confessed, "I want to forget though. If she doesn't return, I don't want this feeling to stay."

I grabbed my shirt over my heart in sadness.

It would hurt. Too much.

"Block the memory out then," Baki told me like it was the most obvious thing in the world, I looked at him confused, "build a wall between you and those memories of that girl. You'll feel a little empty at first but after you'll get used to it and it'll be like it wasn't there at all."

Maybe he's right.

Maybe I should.

It wouldn't hurt as much as it does now.

"I'll take my leave. You know how to block the memory so it's up to you," Baki told me before leaving the room as he said he would.

Leaving me and my thoughts in silence.


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