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Edited: 24/02/24
Reuploaded: 27/02/24


Old (left) – New (right)
¬ Vine Cage (landscape jutsu) = Vine Ensnarement Jutsu
¬ Natural Hearing (tree dance) = Leaf Whisper Jutsu
¬ Root Grab (landscape jutsu) = Root Snare Jutsu
¬ Sharp Leaves (tree dance) = Steal Whip Jutsu
¬ Natural Sight (tree dance) = Natural Surveillance Jutsu
¬ Plant army (tree dance) = Plant Army Jutsu
¬ Liana clones (tree dance) = Liana Clone Jutsu
¬ Shallow plant (landscape jutsu) = Plant Phasing Jutsu
¬ Tree tracking (landscape jutsu) = Tree Tracking
¬ Tracking tools = Tracking tools


"They attackers must've heavily outnumbered them," one of the other ninja continues the thought. I shake my head and look around.

"Or maybe not," Kankuro declared. I, knowing what happened here, nodded as well. Deciding to throw them a small bone to get this search party rolling. We're wasting too much time around here.

"This was just two ninja. There are two different kinds of injuries, one is kunai and shuriken and the other is... Poison," I told them, pointing at the majority to be the kunai and about 2% of the dead to be poison.

"Just two people?" they all exclaimed in unison.

We all stood around for a moment. Can we please move? They are getting further away from us by the second...

"The ones who have taken Gaara are getting away and are succeeding by the second. Let's move!" Kankuro announces angrily. Dude, did you read my mind?!

"Let me take the lead, I've got a hook on him," I told him. He didn't think to question but rather just nodded before we began to hurry off.

"Here, sir! One of them is still alive!" one of the ninja shouted. We turned around and I looked but then panicked.

"No! Don't!" I shouted but it was too late, the paper bomb pasted onto his chest exploded. The two nin who'd triggered it were likely killed in the blast and a chain of explosions shot up the wall. Building a barrier between me and everyone else. Kankuro was with me but he suddenly disappeared.

Damn traps! Sasori!

The wall crumbled too easily for my liking. When we return, that needs fixing.

"Kankuro!" I yelled once I was able to see again, dust from the fallen rocks now settled. No response came. He's not dead, I know that one for certain so why the hell is he not responding?!

A moment later he appeared at the top of the pile, two nin unconscious under his arms. I couldn't exactly see him well but based on the fact his shoulders were moving up and down faster than usual, I guessed that he was pretty pissed off.

"Are you ok?!" I shouted up to him, he just stared down before turning. He seemed to look to the other side for a while before shouting.

"What do you think? I'm going to bring Gaara back!" he told them. He continued to argue with them for a moment and I just stepped back a few paces, turning and looked out over the desert as I waited, staring down at the numerous false tracks made to hide their real tracks. I know he's going to come down eventually, no point eavesdropping on a conversation I already know well. Baki is trying to convince Kankuro not to go but Kankuro is Kankuro so of course he's going to ignore the man and go anyway. It's what he does. For his siblings, that is. I looked back up to him just as he looked back down at me. Baki is a stubborn man, he won't stop.

"Do you really think you can stand a chance alone?" Baki asked. I jumped up on the rock and placed my hand on Kankuro's shoulder as he looked back.

"He's not alone," I tell them.

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