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Edited: 28/05/24
Reuploaded: 30/05/24

Days later_

"Y/n?" Jiro looked at me like I was a ghost.

"Hello, Jiro. How longs it been?" I greeted him with a smile.

"Quite a few months! Where were you?" he asked. A few...

"Temari you didn't tell me it was a few months!" I shouted turning to see her and Kankuro whistling and avoiding eye contact innocently. I just sighed and looked at Jiro.

"I almost died. It's all good now, I'm here," I replied nonchalantly before walking past him and into the village.

When we reached the entrance to the Kazekage's office building Temari and Kankuro moved in front of me with worried expressions.

"You sure you want to do this?" Kankuro asked me.

"Yes. I need to see this for myself," I nodded, he and Temari shared a look before sighing and he pulled something out his pocket.

"The leaf ninja found your headband a little off the cliff you disappeared off," he told me, I smiled, and he tied it around my arm where it was the last time I saw it.

It felt heavier now.

"I feel like one with the village again," I joked before we started making our way up the levels and to Gaara's office. I kept at the back of the group, though.

"Gaara?" Temari called as she knocked on the door. It opened and she walked in, then Kankuro but he stopped me at the doorway and told me to wait a minute.

"Gaara, we have a guest. A friend who went missing a while ago, but the leaf village found her a week ago and now she's back," Temari announced, her voice filled with a weak sense of hope.

"Really?" I heard Gaara's voice, he sounded interested but almost like he didn't believe her.

"Come on," Kankuro called me. Taking a deep breath I stepped into the room and closed the door behind me before falling in line with Temari and Kankuro.

Gaara frowned and looked at me like he was picking his brain to put a name to my face.

"Gaara... I believe it's been a few months since I last saw you. I apologise for leaving you for so long," I gave him an innocent smile, he looked at me confused. I bit the inside of my mouth, trying to hold myself back from doing anything stupid.

"Who are you—" he asked before averting his view to his siblings, "who is she?"

"She's... the girl that you admired the most, Gaara. It's f/n l/n," Temari replied. She was obviously struggling to choose the right words to explain.

"F/n l/n?" he repeated, leaning back in his chair as he thought. This is a side of Gaara I've never seen before. His eyes are empty and... cold?

Every time he looked at me I couldn't help but feel a shiver. It's intense. Terrifying. Like I'm looking into the eyes of my murderer again.

I unconsciously staggered back a few steps causing everyone to look at me.

"Sorry, I guess I lied to myself and you guys. I can't..." I apologised, shaking my head, and then spinning on my heels and starting to walk towards the door before I was stopped by some force. I looked down to see sand.

"Who are you to me?" I turned to see Gaara looking desperate, but his eyes hadn't changed. I looked away to avoid those steely cold orbs.

"I don't know," I replied, a weird level of quietness and lack of confidence in my voice.

"Fine—who am I to you?" he asked.

I looked at him but closed my eyes.

"Someone I really, really care about," I replied before being released and then quickly walking out of the office. Once I was out of sight of everyone, I found myself basically running out the building and once I was clear of it, I then collapsed against the wall outside where I slid down and found myself breathing heavily.

Fuck—I need to calm down.

Why are his eyes frightening me so much?

Were they like that when I first met him?

I don't think they were...

It's like him.

I need to calm down.

I really need to calm down.

Someone... someone help me—

"Y/n!" I heard someone shout at me. I tried to calm myself as Temari came flying out of the building and almost missed me. She noticed me, though. As soon as she did, she fell forward and pulled me into a tight hug.

"You were scared..." she muttered.

I stiffened up in her hold before melting into it and hugging her back tightly.

It's comforting.

Come on, y/n, calm down. Calm down. Calm down...

"It was his eyes. I felt like I was staring into the eyes of my killer again," I told her honestly.

I'd told her and Kankuro all about the murder on our way back. She knew just how much it affected me—how much it would've affected anyone.

"I'm sorry you have to see this," she whispered as she pulled me in closer.

Gaara's PoV

That girl... F/n l/n...

Who is she?

When she was leaving I wasn't even controlling my body, it just moved and grabbed her like I'd done it before.

"Who are you to me?" I asked her, she turned to look at me, but something snapped in her, and she looked away with an expression I really didn't like.

"I don't know," she replied fairly quietly.

"Fine—who am I to you?" I asked more urgently, trying to get answers.

She looked at me but closed her eyes tightly.

"Someone I really, really care about," she replied, I frowned in thought and released her. Almost as soon as I did she ran out of the room. I could sense she was scared, but of what? Me?

I looked at my older siblings to see they were watching the door with a lot of worry.

She's close with them.

Was she close with me?

I dropped back in my seat and rested my head in my hands in frustration.

The door opened and closed again, and I looked up expecting to see the girl but instead Temari had left the room, Kankuro was frowning sadly and had moved to the sofa where he seemed to just sulk.

Who is y/n?!

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