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Edited: 28/05/24
Reuploaded: 30/05/24


I was walking down the streets, yawning, minding my business and having a bit of fun just enjoying the peacefulness, when someone tackled me into an alleyway.

"Gaara?" I questioned the red headed teen.

"Sorry—I just wanted to see you," he mumbled into my shoulder.

"As nice as that is, Gaara, you have work to do," I told him.

"Will you sit with me?" he asked, stepping away, I took a moment to think about it before I nodded.

"I don't really have anything else to do," I shrugged, "I'll meet you there."

He nodded and then turned into sand and disappeared. Once he was gone, I started walking back towards home. I entered and saw Temari lounging around on one of the sofas, she didn't even look up and greet me.

"Paper..." I muttered as I opened one of the cabinets and lifted books up.

"Second cabinet, third shelf, near the back," Temari's voice piped up. I followed her directions and found some paper.

"Thanks," I called back before standing.

"Pens and pencils are in the fifth cabinet on the second or fourth shelf," she added. I followed the directions again and found pencils on the fourth shelf.

"Thanks," I repeated before heading towards the front door.

"Don't have too much fun with Gaara," she called after me.

"Temari!" I shouted throwing one of the pencils at her.

"Ow—!" she hissed as I left the building and headed back towards the office.

Once in, I plopped down on the sofa in Gaara's office and started writing out sheet music while humming along with it, frowning from time to time as I found myself struggling to remember even some of the most basic lines that I knew.

Just what is going on?

Gaara's PoV

Y/n came into the office, cradling paper and pens and instantly sat onto the sofa.

She started scribbling stuff down onto the paper with concentration while humming, the occasional frown on her face.

What was she writing? Music?

She must be concentrating pretty hard to be frowning like that.


I finished my work and leaned back in my seat, watch as y/n hummed and wrote while tapping her foot on the arm of the sofa and nodding her head from side to side as she wrote. I smiled at the sight.

I stood up and approached her slowly. Lifting her feet, I sat down and then let her rest her legs on my own.

"What're you doing?" I asked her. She kept doing what she was doing but pulled a sheet of paper from the back and passed it to me.

"It's sheet music, for my uh—uh—god what's the word—violin! Violin, well the musical instrument I play," she explained.

"I've... never seen this before," I muttered as I looked at the dots and circles on the lines.

"I can teach you to play if you like?" she was looking at me now, I looked at her confused but shook my head.

"The... violin? ... is your thing. Listening to you play is my thing," I replied, she smiled and took the sheet back, "tell me more about your home."

"It's in the middle of a desert, it's lead by this red head called Gaara," she replied, I shook my head and leaned closer to her.

"The place you were born," I corrected myself.

"Well, it's a town/city that can be lively... I think. I didn't spend a lot of time in there because I was always out for competitions or to support my friends competitions," she told me.

"Is there war?" I asked. She shrugged.

"In some places there's constant wars. In others there's conflicts. In others it's just moderate peace."

"Nothing like here then. We're close to another great shinobi war," I muttered, she sighed.

"If a war comes then a war comes, we'll be fine, I'm positive," she smiled sweetly at me. Her positive attitude is contagious, I can't help but to nod and agree. We will be fine, as long as I've got her by my side. That's something I am certain about.

"What's going on in here?" I heard Temari tease as she came through the door, I sighed and y/n leaned back and dropped her head back while looking at Temari, obviously making my sister look upside down to her.

"We're just talking," she told Temari.

"Sure... talking..." Temari teases, y/n just huffed and sat herself up again as Temari moved to the side, "you two are quite cute together you know?"

I looked away as I felt a slightly heat rushing to my face. Can Temari stop being Temari for once?

"Aw and Gaara's blushing~" she continued to tease.

"I bet Shikamaru would love to see you blush like mad over him Temari," y/n fired back, I looked to see Temari lose her cool for a moment before she grabbed y/n bridal style and spun her around.

"Shut up, you," Temari told her when they stopped spinning and put her down. Y/n just sighed.

"It takes two to tango, dear Temari," y/n replied.

"And it takes two people to date," Temari replied with a wink.

"Nope, I love myself. There have been cases back at home where a person hated others so much that they just dated and married themselves," y/n replied a bit too casually.

"So... you're saying you wouldn't date Gaara?" Temari asked as I just watched the two of them in utter shock and silence.

"I mean—I wasn't saying that," y/n replied, she instantly covered her mouth realising what she'd just said.

"Ha! I knew it!" Temari shouted. I smiled at y/n who was almost as red as my hair and then stood up.

"Don't you think you've teased her enough for one day?" I asked Temari with an amused expression.

"Not at all dear little brother. Oh—just to balance the idea. Would you date y/n?" she asked me.

"I would," I nodded before going to my desk, I noticed y/n was, if possible, redder than my hair.

"Well, why don't you ask her out then?" Temari asked me.

"I think, I'm going to go now... I think the suns finally affecting me—maybe heatstroke. Should probably lie down for a while... unbothered... in peace... no Temari to be seen..." y/n announced with an awkward laugh before leaving.

The sun? In a closed-up room... sure thing y/n.

"Well?" Temari asked.

"I'm waiting for the right time," I grumbled beforedisappearing in my sand and going to the market area before she could bug meeven more about the subject.

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