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Edited: 21/04/24
Reuploaded: 21/04/24


"Y/n!" two faces I recognised appeared, bursting into my hospital room, and interrupting my catching up.

I had been all over the news.

'The kid who took the martial arts world, found in coma weeks before finals.'

'Girl in coma still not awake after 2 months.'

'Will father of martial arts princess, give up?'

And now?

It's no different.

'Martial arts master, f/n l/n, has awoken from her 3-month coma.'

'Doctors left baffled after girl in strange coma wakes up after 3 months.'

And so on, and so on...

"Yue! Sugina!" I smiled as they basically jumped onto me and hugged me tightly.

"We thought you were never going to wake up!" Sugina exclaimed through choked sobs.

"I woke up just before Yue got onto the ice," I told them, he blushed out of embarrassment.

"W-was i-it good?" he asked looking at the floor.

"If was fantastic!" I smiled, "and you landed your double axel! I'm so proud!"

"Thank you! That means a lot coming from you!" he beamed, giving me a bright, happy smile.

We sat and spoke amongst each other for a while before my Father returned with clothes. They all waited outside while I changed, and I was helped home.

But weirdly... Now that I'm home I can't help but to miss Sunagakure.

I miss the sand. The sandstone buildings. The people. Temari. Kankuro. Gaara.

"We'll let you rest," Sugina said as she started pulling her coat on.

"We'll visit after school!" Yue waved as they both left my room, closing the door behind him as he went.

I just sighed and pulled back the sheets on my bed to see the bracelet just lying there. I reached down and picked it up, turning it over and inspecting it, I found myself noticing a new thing etched into the metal.


Gaara? Why?

Why does this stupid bracelet say Gaara?

The words that were previously there were gone. Just that word.

"Why Gaara?" I muttered before placing it on my bedside table and grabbing my laptop. I open it and notice there's something different about my background.

It was a piece of fanart with all the main characters plus favoured characters that are in Naruto, something I was very familiar with but... There was a new character that oddly looked like me.

"Wait—" I opened YouTube and searched for Gaara's tail beast extraction scene.

Playing it, I couldn't help but to freeze in surprise when I found that it was completely different to what I knew, and everything I'd witnessed and done while in Sunagakure was there. Including me.

"What the hell is this?" I asked, watching as I got beaten up in the cave as I tried to reach Gaara. How Kankuro was saved by Sakura and then how I told Naruto that he can't save everyone. Then Gaara's revival, "wow, did I really look that pathetic back there? No wonder they were mocking me so easily... hold on—"

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