Edited: 30/05/24
Reuploaded: 30/05/24°🥀°
7 years old_"What did I tell you about sliding down the banisters, y/n?!" Dad shouted at me as I hopped off the edge of the railing and skipped off the bottom step.
"Don't know," I shrugged, "I keep forgetting."
He flicked my forehead and sighed.
"You're just like your—"
"Mother when she was my age," I rolled my eyes and backed away, "how many times have I heard that one?"
"It's true. You're so troublesome, it hurts," he sighed before looking around, "I'm going to have some business partners here in a couple hours, can you make yourself scarce for maybe three or four hours?"
"Yeah," I nodded, "I'll go on an adventure around the town."
"Just don't get lost, that's the last thing I need today," he turned, "I'll see you later then."
"Bye," I waved and turned, heading out of the house and beginning my walk through the town, "where should I go?"
I let out a small hum as I looked around before my gaze caught the ice rink that Mum used to take me to before she died.
"Should I..?" I paused and stared at it a moment before shaking my head, "nah... Or..? Nah.."
I turned and began to walk away before shouting caught my attention.
"Skating is a girls sport."
"You're such a little girl."
"Man up will you?"
"You're so embarrassing to be around."
Pausing again, I looked over to see a boy my age with a skating boots bag slung over his shoulder.
He was surrounded by a group of slightly older boys, all pushing him around.
"Hey!" I marched over to them and glared, "leave him alone. Skating isn't a girly sport. It's for everyone! Go get a life and stop bullying him."
"Ugh—it's the rich brat," one of them muttered before looking to the boy, "we'll be back."
They all ran away and I looked to the boy.
"Are you ok?" I asked, offering him a small smile.
"Y-yeah... Thank you for h-helping me," the boy smiled shyly back before looking around and then grabbing the strap of his bag tighter, "a-are they gone?"
"Yep," I nodded, "What's your name? I'm y/n."
"Yue," he replied.
"Well, Yue, I'm heading to the rink, want to come with?" I asked, he looked around again before nodding, "well then let's go."
I turned on my heels and continued walking towards the ice rink, humming slightly to myself as I walked, Yue trailed silently behind me.
He's like a terrified sheep.
Sighing, I pushed the door of the ice rink open and held it for the shy boy behind me.
"Oh! Yue! Y/n! Here for training?" the owner asked as we both paid entrance and I nodded.
"And to pass some time. Dad's got some important people over," I told her, perching on the edge of a bench and beginning to swap my shoes to my skating boots.
"Well, the rink is all yours," she told us, I nodded and headed onto the ice. I skated a few laps to warm up before doing some random spins and jumps. From time to time, I'd pause to see Yue attempting some kind of jump but failing miserably.

Cold Eyes || Gaara x Reader
Fanfiction!! new cover !! Y/n is a simple girl, intelligent, good at martial arts, loves the Naruto series. Her life is changed when the unexpected happens and by sleeping with a charm on she's suddenly pulled into the world of Naruto! What lies there? Love? ...