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Edited: 03/05/24
Reuploaded: 03/05/24


"So you're not dating Gaara?" Sakura asked, calmer now than she was moments ago, we'd all moved into mine and Temari's room and were all sat in a circle with a cup of tea in our hands. It wasn't bad, not great either but not too bad. I definitely prefer the tea I drink in Sunagakure. Wow listen to me, I've really just become a full-on Suna representative, next I might start trying to convince nin to come move to Suna... gosh—

"No. I am not," I couldn't help but to sigh as I confirmed that I was not, in fact, dating Gaara for around the fifth time since it was announced on the roof. It is starting to get mildly irritating.

"Pity... You two would've been a great couple," Tenten sighed. I shook my head.

Girl, you met me once! One time! Where are you getting that from? The air? Pure will power?

"You women are so troublesome," Shikamaru mumbled in the corner next to Temari. I concur.

"I can't even express how much I agree," I nodded towards him, he just sighed and moved himself around before using Temari as a head rest. For a moment I could've swore I saw the both of them blush little bit, but it was gone as quick as it was there. I just smiled slightly—I'm seeing their relationship develop in real time right now, I can't help but love this.

"So why're you both here?" Neji asked, changing the conversation—thank god. Neji, you are my god, thank you for doing that. Truly.

"We're here for a friendly visit. Now I'm completely healed up I wanted to come and thank you guys and especially Sakura who saved my ass properly," I smiled at them.

"I told you that was unnecessary," Sakura told me, I just looked at her and frowned.

"Well then—I feel like I should leave immediately then," I looked away from them. I should be able to guilt her into accepting my gratitude.

"What? No! I—uh—" she stumbled over her words, and I just chuckled.

"I was joking, I wanted to come and see the village anyway," I told her as I looked out of the window to my left, time to play amnesia, "I've heard about the great leaf village, but I've never seen it before. Well, not that I remember that is. It's exciting to finally see it in person."

Oh—I guess now's as better time than any to give Sakura my thank you gift. I moved and pushed myself over to my bag pushed up against the wall just behind me. Once I had hold of it, I started rummaging through the contents, a frown developing across my face the longer I found myself rummaging.

"Don't tell me I've lost it," I huffed annoyed as I found myself growing increasingly annoyed with it, "oh well..."

I guess I can make something like that anyway. It was just one of those kinds of bracelets you'd find in tourist shops in the other world. I thought it was just interesting to find something like that here plus it was cheap, so I doubt Sakura would've refused it in that case. Turning back to the group, I put my hands together and started to make a long vine as I was in motion. I moved next to Sakura and took her wrist, placing my hand with the vine on next to it and then watching as the vine wrapped out her wrist loosely, shrunk and turned into a simple bracelet that was easily pulled on and off.

There. Simple.

"I did have a nicer one, but I must've lost it earlier, thank you again, Sakura," I thanked her before returning to my seat in between Neji and Naruto.

"Thanks, it's beautiful," she thanked me and smiled.

Really? It's just a plant...

"Ah man—I need to save your ass so I can get myself one of those," Temari said as she leant forward to peer at the bracelet. I just shook my head. It's when she says things like this that she reminds me of Sugina. It's comforting honestly.

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