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Edited: 30/05/24
Reuploaded: 30/05/24


Kaito ran ahead in glee.

"The snow is so cool!" he exclaimed brightly as he jumped around in the snow.

"Careful, you don't want to fall over," I called out to them. Shinki stuck to Gaara's side as we walked.

We'd adopted him three or so years ago after Gaara brought him back to the village. He refused to tell me just how the two of them met but he was a good kid, and I had no qualms over it.

"Can't we ride your sand or something? It's slippy," Shinki looked at Gaara who just smiled slightly before glancing over to me.

"We can't. It is slippy but it's also too wet and cold for my sand to hold up well enough," Gaara replied as he grabbed my hand and pulled it into his coat pocket, so we were holding hands but in the warmth of his coat rather than outside.

We were travelling to Konohagakure to visit Temari, Shikamaru and Shikadai for the winter festival. They warned us about the snow but I really didn't expect it to be so bad.

"It's just... so cold," Kankuro complained, rubbing his arms up and down with his hands as we walked, "Temari... this has to be some kind of cruel punishment from her or something, right? Why would she invite us to visit in this kind of weather?"

"Don't you start complaining too," I grumbled, "Look the gate is just there, we're almost there, OK?"

"The gates! We're here!" Kaito pointed forward excitedly. He's ten but it's times like this that he still looks seven.

"Welcome back to the Leaf, Lord Gaara, Lady y/n, Lord Kankuro, Shinki and Kaito," Kotetsu greeted us as we entered, "hope your journey wasn't too treacherous."

"We just had a lot of complaining on the way," I shook my head, "anyway, Gaara, you go tell Kakashi we've arrived, I'll take the three children to the Nara compound."

He nodded at me with an amused expression.

"You miscounted," Kankuro said while counting the two children, "there's only two—wait a minute!!"

"That's right, you're like a giant man child," I told him as I pushed him to the house we were going to.


"Temari, Shikamaru, Shikadai?" I called as I knocked on the door.

"One minute!" a voice shouted from inside, it was followed by footsteps until eventually the door opened to reveal and angry looking Temari.

"Oh! You guys are here!" she brightened up and scooped Kaito and Shinki into a hug, "You're all still incredibly adorable. I love you all."

"Aw thanks, sis, we love you too," Kankuro said mockingly.

"Oh no, Kankuro, you've got it wrong, I don't love you, you're annoying," Temari said, mirroring his tone before stepping aside, "anyway, let's get you into the warmth, I assume Gaara is with Lord Kakashi?"

"Yes," Kaito nodded as he kicked his shoes off and followed Shinki into the house.

I took my own shoes off and then tidied up all the messy shoes before stretching.

"I'm glad you guys could come," Temari broke the newfound silence and then hugged me. I hugged her back and smiled.

"We were going to invite the three of you to the sand but we got your invitation first," I told her as we separated and started walking to the living room where the boys were all chatting loudly, "it took a while but we managed to get fill ins to take over mine and Gaara's work load for the two weeks."

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