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Edited: 29/05/24
Reuploaded: 30/05/24


The day after we had a council meeting. It was mostly about the war. Nothing interesting. It was boring and quite frankly not interesting to me in any way.

Not until Gaara dropped the news that we were engaged, then uproar exploded.

I've never seen those old geezers so surprised before.

"Really?" Baki asked in disbelief.

"Yes, really, Baki. You got a problem with that?" I asked him, crossing my arms as I stood from my seat and stretched out a bit. I had cramps from sitting around there for so long.

"Actually, I do! I don't think you're a good match for Lord Gaara!" Baki pointed an accusing finger at me, "You're not even originally from the sand."

"Who cares where she's from?" Temari asked, her eyebrow twitching in annoyance.

"Yeah! If we accept her, then you guys should too!" Kankuro shouted. I sighed.

"We do, we're glad that Gaara's getting married. At least now we don't have to worry about an heir being from a completely different village," one of the old ladies grumbled.

"H-heir? Who said anything about an heir?" I repeated, "Don't you think you're thinking too far ahead? You know there's something called being too prepared for the future..."

"You don't want to have kids with me?" Gaara asked, looking at me out of the corner of his eyes with his fingers laced together in front of his face... like we all know he does... I bet he's secretly judging me right now.

"W-well I didn't say that..." I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly, "not right now. My guy, I am 17, you are 16. No."

I pointed at him, "no."

"Imagine that, mini Gaara's wrecking havoc on the village once again," Temari chuckled. This put the elders on edge.

"Not like that!" Gaara grumbled, "they won't be a jinchuriki, after all I'm not a jinchuriki anymore so I don't need to worry about my children getting a monster or being a key of some kind."

What's happening in this conversation now?

I'm confused...

"Either way, Baki, you can't change the fact I will marry y/n because I love her and she's the only one who I will love," Gaara told him sternly, "you may not like her, but the past is the past, you should put your suspicions and distaste about her behind you now. Set a new start because not only is she my closest friend, girlfriend, and fiancée but she's also going to be helping run the village in the future and we're going to war. Hating others in our own village isn't going to help us anymore than being enemies with one another."

"You're right. I apologise, Lord Kazekage," Baki nodded before turning to me, "do you mind if we restart?"

I smiled and nodded, sticking my hand out to him.

"Hello, I'm f/n l/n, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Baki is it? I've heard great things about you," I greeted the "unknown" "stranger" aka the idiot Baki.

"Likewise, y/n," he replied, "I'm glad to finally meet you as well."

"Splendid!" some old lady clapped her hands together.

"Now we're all on the same page," one of the older men nodded and hummed in approval.

"We shall hold the wedding after the war. It'll be a break out of the madness and terror we've just experienced," one of the younger, older, people... Elders... ONE OF THE COUNCIL MEN, yes that'll do, announced with a single clap of his hands.

"That's if we survive," I accidentally let my words slip. Glares were shot in my direction from literally everyone.

"Hey, hey! I'm positive Temari, Kankuro and Gaara will survive! But I have no reason to suggest that I will," I half told the truth, half lied.

If I remember correctly, Shikaku's team all were killed when the ten tails tried to take out the heads of each village unknown to it that they'd already moved and the only ones in HQ were Ao's squad. Everyone died except from Ao who escaped with two limbs missing.

I'm going to be working there. Knowing what happens is unsettling. I'll most likely die, or maybe... I could save them?

But would that upset the nature of what's supposed to happen?

Oh no, my brain is overriding with alternate reality theories.

"Don't worry, y/n," a hand landed on my shoulder, I looked back to see it was Baki. I cringed at the thought of him trying to console me but forced it down because we have restarted, there's nothing to hate... Apparently.

"You will survive, if anything you're out the battle range but you're still incredibly useful from where you are. Just work hard and I'm sure we'll all survive," he told me with a sickeningly sweet smile. I gave him an unamused smile back before sighing.

If only they knew...


Two weeks later, we're returning to the hidden cloud. This time with our army and weaponry in summoning scrolls. It's easier to travel that way and so much more effecient.

Not only that, but I've discovered that I get travel sickness now. From the summoning travelling really. Next time I'll just run. But also, I've been struggling to remember things from my past for some time now but also information I had on the Naruto world and story... I'm starting to forget that too. I can't even remember half of the base Naruto storyline. Anything from before the chuunin exams and subsequently the attack on the leaf by Suna being led unknowingly by Orochimaru, I cannot remember.

What's happening to me?

Anyway, when we arrived I was quickly ushered away to meet the team I'd be with.

"I'm Shikaku Nara, you'll work under me," Shikaku announced, I nodded my head.

"F/n l/n, it's a pleasure to formally meet you, Shikaku. I look forward to learning much from you," I nodded curtly at him before he nodded back and I was taken to another area. A platform where Gaara, a stone ninja, Mifune, a cloud ninja, and Kakashi were all stood together. Wait a moment, the cloud ninja is the Raikage's right hand man, Darui. So that must mean, the stone is Kitsuchi.

How'd I forget that? Do I need a medical nin to take a look at me?

Gaara looked like he'd just preformed a massive speech. Damn. I missed his shinobi affecting speech. Though, I've watched it enough that I remember it, almost word for word.

He turned and faced me.

"Stay safe and fight well," he told me, I nodded.

Time to play formal.

"Likewise for you, Lord Kazekage," I bowed my head, and he bowed his back before he glanced around us before placing a quick kiss on my forehead and walked away.

"You're f/n l/n, right?" a familiar mist ninja, Ao appeared beside me. I nodded and he gestured for me to follow him.

"We're going to the HQ, you'll meet the rest of our group there," Ao announced. I nodded and kept silent. Watching out the corner of my eye as the shinobi began their run out to the meeting area.

War is here...

'Madara' Uchiha...

You're going down...

It may be hard, we may lose people, a lot of people... but in the end,everything will be fine.

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