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Edited: 28/05/24
Reuploaded: 30/05/24


Choji's PoV

"Pa?" I cried as I looked at my Father's seemingly lifeless body.

"Choji, you need to get our findings to Lady Tsunade!" Kakashi sensei shouted at me.

"But Pa..." I looked at him lost. My mind was thinking of anything but Lady Tsunade or what we knew.

"Mourn later, the cost of one life is nothing compared to a whole village. Go, Choji!" Kakashi shouted.

The explosion guy started crawling forward.

"My, you really are stubborn," he hissed as his back started sticking up and a massive missile was aimed towards me.

"Go, Choji!" Kakashi shouted again, I swallowed my emotions back, took a deep breath, and then started running. Missile chasing close after me.

Where was y/n?

I couldn't see her among the rubble around us...

Looking over my shoulder, I saw the missile, so I sped up, forcing myself to race forward. It's chasing me like I'm the obstacle in between a kid and the sweet shop.

Suddenly it disappeared. Kakashi sensei. It had to be Kakashi sensei, he must've done something. Unless it appears again and hits me from my side or from underground.

Shaking away the thought, I quickly ran to Lady Tsunade.

"Lady Tsunade!" I shouted, she looked at me along with the four anbu members on the roof of the Hokage building. I didn't question the sudden broken structure I just knelt down and spoke.

"Y/n and Kakashi sensei figured out two of the Pains' skills," I announced loudly, Tsunade looked at me surprised but urged me to continue, "the first, he has explosions, his features are pale skin, two piercings in his cheeks, one on his chin, one going through his nose and three on the top of his head. The second uses magnets to attract or repel anything and he's able to avoid every ninjutsu sent at him but he has a 5 second interval between each attack. His features are six nose piercings and many ear piercings."

"Every ninjutsu?" one of the anbu repeated, I nodded.

"All of them," I clarified.

"Alright," Lady Tsunade nodded.

"Team Choza assisted Kakashi sensei and y/n and I think I may be the only survivor," I announced.

"Go get Choza. He can still be saved," Tsunade told me.

"You mean—" I stopped and cried, "oh thank you, thank you, thank you."

"Now go."

"And Kakashi sensei and y/n?" I asked.

"Just go. Lady Katsuyu couldn't find y/n but don't worry, she's searching. Now go quickly," Tsunade informed me, avoiding eye contact. I managed to stop my tears and started running back to Kakashi sensei and Pa.

Your PoV

I can't move my body.

Something is pinning my arms and legs, I'm guessing it's rubble. Looking up at the sky I could see that I'd fallen into a building, maybe down 3 or 4 stories to the bottom. Man does my body ache.

My heads bleeding from when I hit my head after being released from the vines.

Damn things need to learn to judge if it's safe to release me or not. Ouch—

"Come on, y/n, just get a vine," I scolded myself as I tried to move myself again, "can't be feeling sorry for myself."

I grunted as I tried to free an arm but failed miserably leading to me just getting myself in a worse position which was just uncomfortable. I sighed and closed my eyes. Guess I just have to wait for help.

I just took a deep breath and stared forward silently. After a while, I just hummed to myself to keep me sane in a way, stop me from thinking about the fact I was pinned down. It was also a useful tracking point, if someone heard me humming, surely they'd come investigate, right?

It didn't take long before the pain in my arms and legs began to numb from the pressure and I just let out a pained hiss as I again tried to move but this time, the numbness quickly subsided as something shifted into my side.

"Shouldn't have done that," I grunted as I just froze. Can't move any more or I could end up worse.

"Hello?" I heard someone shout.

Ha! I knew it! Someone heard me! Oh thank god, thank god!

"Hello!" I called back, "come help me please! Please, help!"

Someone's head popped into my vision.

"My name is Iruka. Can you tell me yours?" the man asked as he started scaling down the wall to where I was pinned.

Oh now that's even better. Finally being able to meet one of the greatest ninja in the show—father figure wise for Naruto, I mean—definitely a favourite of mine.

Thank you, higher being, for sending me Iruka!

"F/n l/n, a ninja from the sand. I was here visiting when all this mess happened," I replied, he chucked slightly as he carefully climbed his way down and then began to begin pulling the rubble away from the safest spots he could, "didn't know one day could be so exciting."

"You're a strange girl, y/n," he replied, freeing one of my arms and then moving to the next then shifted that pesky rock in my side out of the way with my help. Once I was freed, I was able to lay down properly again then he freed my legs and pulled one of my arms around his neck while supporting me with his other arm around my waist.

"Hold on tight," he told me as he adjusted his hold to make it easier to move around and then began to jump back up and out of the building again.

"Man, that hurts like hell," I muttered as he kept moving.

"So a sand shinobi in the leaf for a visit?" he questioned suspiciously.

"Don't worry, I was here to see Naruto. I heard his sensei was killed so I felt like I should come see him. Also, I wanted to see my friends here in the leaf because I had news that I'm sure they would've been happy to know. But all that can wait," I told him with a frown as I winced from the short burst of pain that shot through me, "what's happening in front of us now is more important than all of that."

A giant centipede came scuttling towards us as we landed safely outside again.

"Oh come on," I sighed before throwing my hand forward and sent vines towards it, impaling it just like the first one at the beginning of this mess.

"Vines?" he questioned.

"I know, I'm a sand ninja with vines, roots and leaves. Weird right?" I also laughed a little as he nodded. He helped me up again and supported me as we started moving forward until we reached the hospital.

Damnit—another hospital.

"Sakura! I've got another!" Iruka announced, Sakura looked in our direction and gasped at the sight of me.

"Y/n? How the hell—? Never mind that," she shook her head and led us to a blanket and cushion on the floor, Iruka laid me down and then disappeared.

"Why're you here?" she asked me, eyeing my wounds and wiping me down just as Choji came in with his Father and Kakashi in his arms.

"Sakura!" he shouted.

"Lay them down here," Sakura shouted, Choji moved next to us and laid Kakashi onto the sheet next to me and his Father and the sheet next to that.

"Thank god you're alive, y/n," Choji said as he sat between me and Kakashi as Sakura started healing his Dad, "where did you go?"

"I got thrown pretty far back. Fell down a house and got pinned," I replied, sending him a weak smile.

"Because of you we got more information than we already had, so rest for now," Choji told me, I smiled and nodded.

"I should send out help first though," I said, using his armto pull myself up and then did weak hand signs.

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