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Edited: 30/05/24
Reuploaded: 30/05/24


Gaara's PoV

I stood at the front of the alter, I couldn't stop fidgeting and fiddling with the vine necklace around my neck.

"Lord Kazekage, please try to relax," the elder doing the ceremony told me, I sighed and took a few deep breaths. I looked at the aisles to see on the left were the Kage all sat in their seats at the front, Kakashi, the sixth Hokage (as of recently), Onoki, the third Tsuchikage, A, the fourth Raikage, and Mei, the fifth Mizukage.

Behind them were their right hands, Guy, Kuzochi, Darui, Chojiro. Behind them were Killer B, Iruka, Omoi, the leaf village elders, Kurenai and her baby, Mirai, a few others.

The other side were the sand village, Baki, the counsil some people we know including Jiro and his daughter Snow and his wife... Well I don't know her name but she's here too.

The door opened at the bottom of the aisle and out walked Ino and Sai, followed by Sakura and Sasuke, Hinata and Naruto, Tenten and Lee, Temari and Shikamaru. They walked and separated, the guys stood on my side with Naruto the closest to me and the girls stood on y/n's side with Temari closest to me. Then in walked y/n and Kankuro.

My heart stopped.

She looked beautiful.

When she reached me, Kankuro whispered something to her, and she gave him a small smile before looking over to me as he took a seat beside Baki. I stretched my hand out to y/n, she gladly took it and smiled sweetly at me.

"You look amazing—gorgeous. You look gorgeous," I told her as she stood opposite me. She smiled.

"You don't look too bad yourself—very handsome," she replied with a wink. I'm just wearing the black traditional wedding clothes. What's there to look bad about. Reds my colour either way.

"Alright, today we're here to witness the union between the Kazekage, Gaara and the sand shinobi, y/n. If anyone has any kind of objection to why these two should not be together in this union, then speak now or forever hold your peace," the elder started talking, his voice managed to echo really loudly, I didn't expect it to, he was usually a soft-spoken man.

No one spoke up so he moved on.

He spoke the vows and we both replied with the standard 'I do's. I couldn't move my eyes from y/n through the whole thing.

The realisation that I have this amazing girl in front of me now, that she's my girl and not someone else's. It just makes me so happy to know.

"Now for the rings," the elder announced, Naruto stepped forward and passed me the ring for y/n and Temari did the same to y/n with the ring for me.

I slid mine on y/n's ring finger with her engagement ring and then she slid mine on my ring finger.

"Alright, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride," the elder snapped his ceremonial book closed and I placed a hand on y/n's cheek, wrapped my other arm around her waist and pulled her into a kiss. She kissed me back and we separated, I rest my forehead against hers and looked into her e/c eyes, instantly getting lost in her swimming emotions.

Everyone cheered and clapped as a photo was taken while we kissed and then when we just stood staring into each others eyes, both of us just seemingly existing in our own world where it was just the two of us and no one else. In peace. Before I let her go, I pecked her check and then slipped my hand into hers, leading her from the small temporary wedding space and back through the building and down the streets to where our reception was going to be held. The guests followed along behind as we walked through the streets, everyone waving and smiling as they saw us and shouted congratulations at us until we reached our reception location. Our favourite place. The place we went on our first date.

Inside, circular tables lined up with 8 chairs around each one and just a long table at the head with 10 seats.

"Alright! You all know where you'll be sitting so please take your respective seats as we wait for food," Temari called over the noise of everyone chattering. We all moved to our tables happily, y/n smiled up at me as she swung our linked hands, and I couldn't help but to smile as well.

Y/n and I sat in the middle of the 10-seat table, Temari was on y/n's right, then it was Kakashi, Mei and Onoki, then on my left was Kankuro, then Naruto, Hinata and A.

Music started playing and food was brought out. We all talked and joked while we ate until we were all done.

"May I?" I offered my hand to y/n as our first dance was announced.

"You may," she smiled sweetly at me as she took my hand. I pulled her up from her seat and led her out onto the dance floor.

She placed her left hand on my shoulder and held my left hand with her right while I placed my right hand on her waist before we slowly began to spin around the floor. Her gaze never left mine and after and I never wanted it to end.

My world. My life.

"I love you," I leaned to whisper to her, she adjusted our position so that we were now in more of a hug-like dance.

"And I love you as well," she whispered back before planting a kiss on my cheek and then resting her head on my shoulder.

After a little while the music stopped and then livened up loudly, children started dancing together and adults paired up to dance as well while me and y/n started to walk around the space, greeting and talking with our guests. It was mostly a lot of 'congratulations' 'thank you' 'I wish you a happy life together' 'thank you'.

"Sorry, Gaara," Temari rushed over as she grabbed y/n and pulled her out of my arm, "I'm stealing my sister for a dance."

"Wait—" I started before she dragged her away and onto the dance floor.

Y/n was quickly found at the centre of the group of women, and I just found myself smiling as I watched her dance with them, a bright smile playing on her face as she laughed and had fun.

"You couldn't have found a better person to bring into our family, Gaara," Kankuro said as he threw his arm around my shoulders and pulled me over to him, "y/n really is our gift."

I looked over to him before looking back at her and smiling, "yeah. I love her so much, I'm grateful that she decided to stay."

"Only you worried about that," Kankuro laughed loudly, "y/n has been family for so long that I didn't doubt a single moment about whether she'd stay or not. Now, why're you standing around watching—come dance, you bore."

"Bore?" I repeated, dumbfounded as he dragged me forward, "I am not abore!"

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