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Edited: 28/05/24
Reuploaded: 30/05/24


I was sat on the wall staring out over the desert while the day passed. It was pretty boring actually.

"Well the sand isn't attacking today," I joked to myself.

There were other ninja on the wall, but they were being boring and just walking back and forth without conversation. I tried. Really, I did try but they just ignored every attempt I gave.

"And the rocks haven't grown arms, legs and the will to kill anyone and everyone, so we're all good," I continued to humour my boredom.

"Figures on the horizon!" someone shouted. I quickly stood and moved to where the captain was stood.

"Anyone recognisable?" I asked him, he squinted before receiving a pair of binoculars which he looked through and inspected them.

"No, see if you recognise them," he replied, passing me the binoculars. I raised them to my eyes and located the figures.

It was a moderately large group.

There were four men in armour on either side of a carriage with an open front and on the four horses leading it and following behind. They almost looked like they didn't belong in this world, they looked weird. In the carriage was a man, a woman, and a young girl. The man looked oddly like my Father, he wore fluffy robes and rich but fancy looking clothing. The woman looked like the photo my Father kept in his wallet of my Mother, she wore a pale blue dress with a fluffy white shawl wrapped around her shoulders. The little girl looked like a younger version of someone I can't place my finger on, she wore a ninja outfit, but it would seem her parents weren't too pleased with that fact just based off how they were glancing at her.

Finally, I noticed the person stood on the back of the carriage with a bow in her hand and a smirk on her face as she stared right at me.


"So?" the captain asked me.

"I recognise one of them. She was the one who froze me in place. Go get Lord Kazekage and his siblings immediately," I replied firmly, the captain looked at me with a look that said, 'I'm the captain, why're you ordering me around?' and I just gave him a stern look back.

"You heard the girl! You three go get Lord Gaara and his siblings, everyone else, get ready for a fight. Y/n, get ready for confrontation," the captain jumped into action, and I nodded. Moving to the front of the wall and standing in the centre where I could be seen by everyone.

"What's the commotion?" Gaara appeared with Temari and Kankuro by his side a bit further behind.

"Lord Gaara, we have figures approaching the village and y/n has confirmed she recognises a member of their group," the captain reports, Gaara hummed in response and then stepped next to me.

"Who are they?" he asked me.

"The woman who froze me and a group I've never seen before but seem to look like people from my old home," I replied before taking a deep breath in.

"Stop where you are and state who you are, and your business of visiting here," I made my voice loud enough for them to hear me. The group stopped.

"Insolent brat—" one of the guards began to shout back before being silenced by the man who looked just like my Father, he just stood and jumped off the carriage.

My breath almost hitched for a moment just by looking at my Father's face.

I recalled his cold body on the floor. Pulseless. Dead.

Gaara nudged me slightly and I snapped back into reality quickly before frowning as I just clicked what the guard said.

"Did he just call me a brat? And insolent?" I asked, glaring, "why I ought to teach him a lesson."

Everyone within ear shot looked at me.

"But I won't because I'm a respectful and calm girl who definitely... loves to beat rude people up..." I assured them, gradually getting quieter towards the end of my sentence. Gaara rolled his eyes in amusement but sighed.

"I want to see your leader!" the man who'd just jumped off the carriage shouted up at us. I narrowed my eyes in judgement in the man's direction before ripping the bottom of my shirt and trying it around my mouth and nose. Gaara looked at me confused.

"You're not going down there alone, and that beast of a lady isn't recognising me," I told him, he exhaled a laugh before we both jumped down the wall with Temari and Kankuro close behind.

Stopping a bit further away, I stand behind Gaara while Temari and Kankuro stood beside him.

"I'm Gaara, the Kazekage of Sunagakure," Gaara announced.

"My name is Lord f/n of (town/city name) village," the man introduced himself. It's so freaky, he looks and sounds like my Father and even has the same name. Why did I give my OC's parents my parents' names...

"Lord f/n, why have we been graced with your presence?" Gaara asked him.

"Lord Kazekage, I have heard rumours that my daughter has made her pretty little way over to this fine village of yours," lord f/n announced, my eyes widened, and I gradually started to shuffle away, "I have come to collect my child from you. I'm sure she has been a bother."

"I don't know what you're talking about," Gaara replied, I couldn't see his face but I'm certain he was wearing a frown.

"Lord f/n, may we know your daughter's name? Maybe we'll be able to address the situation with residents to see if they know of her," Temari piped in.

"Lady y/n," the woman looking like my Mother spoke up as she was helped out the carriage by two guards, one on either side of her as she held their hands before letting them go and walking to Lord f/n's side.

The three stayed silent.

"Our guard, Tzuu, has also seen the Lady twice!" the little girl jumped out of the carriage with a big grin, "she'd be able to find her easily, there's no point in hiding her."

Ah now I know who she looks like... me. She looks like me. What the hell..?

"She's correct. But Lady y/n has already graced our presence," Tzuu announced, staring right at me.


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