Mario x bowsette

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Mario: Mamma Mia you are hot.

Bowsette: of course I am. Hotter than that princess Peach. So let's have some fun.

Mario: yes ma'am.

Luigi: that is still Bowser.

Mario: but he is hot now.

AJ: there something wrong with you, Bowser, and the internet. And he might still have a dick.

Mario: but this is rule 63

AJ: not fully because we don't know if the super crown changes gender. And it just plain weird.

Mario: says the one who is written a fanfic with my bro and boosette with me x bowsette in there. So do ship it.

AJ: I am surprised that you know that.

Mario: I Know everything you do on the internet net now I found a way and I will tell everybody who reads this.

AJ: 🔫

Bowsette Mario nooooooooo!

AJ: he will be back

Bowsette: oh.

Mario and I Luigi reaction to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now