waluigi x Rosalina

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Waluigi: come on baby one kiss.

Rosalina: why would I ever kiss somebody like you.

Waluigi: because we are basically boyfriend and girlfriend. That's why your my most popular ship.

Rosalina: no the only reason your fans did that because they want you to have a girlfriend. But the truth is I am not into bad boys.

Waluigi: I just have to change that.

Waluigi grabbed her and kissed her on the lips.

AJ: ho no every one run.

Luigi: you should not have done that.

Waluigi: why are you mad you didn't kiss her. Wait why am I floating.

Waluigi looks behind him and sees a black hole and was thrown in. AJ, Mario, Luigi, Peach, and Bowser was running away.

Rosalina: stuff like that is why I don't like bad boys.

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