Wario x pink gold Peach

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Mario: Peach you look exactly like a statue. And nobody would kidnap a statue. Now stand still

Peach used a power up to turn into pink gold Peach and stood still like Mario said.

Mario: this is brilliant.


Wario grabbed Peach and made a run for it.

Mario: hay get back her with my girlfriend!

Wario: Mario I know you have low standards but dating a statue is a new low.

Mario: not what I mean!

He chased after him.

Luigi: Mario should have expected that. Gold is in the name and Wario loves gold no matter what it looks like.

AJ: I am just surprised Wario ran across the whole ocean to get here and take pink gold Peach. He may be greedier than Mr. Krabs and Scrooge McDuck.

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