Luigi x Daisy

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Mario: the second Canon ship.

Luigi: mmmmmm

AJ: wellll.

Mario: Don't tell me. It is not Canon.

AJ: yep not Canon.

Mario: That is some bullshit. This is my brothers most popular ship and has evidence.

AJ: here is the thing. All the evidence come from non Canon games and some of them are questionable. Like when Daisy called Luigi sweetie in power tennis. Luigi didn't Blush or respond because Daisy made him spin around and fall over and calling somebody sweetie does not mean their a couple. And in that same game Luigi was sown loving Peach as much as Mario when Peach wins.

Mario made a quick mean look at a Luigi.

AJ: and in smash Melee it said it was a rumor and rumors are can be true or not true. And the biggest evidence is the status in Daisy circuit. The thing is we don't Know if they actually danced or not status are not the real thing you can easily make status do something you never did. And we don't know if Luigi agreed to have these built or knew about them being built and he never built one of his owns on his circuit this could easily be a one sided thing.

Mario: what about the Mario party names they called them a steady sweeties.

AJ: that is just a team name and that game called you and Daisy a nice couple like you guys where dating so take it with a grain of salt. And all the games you just said is not Canon. The only time Luigi and Daisy was in a Canon game together was super Mario run which was confirmed to he Canon so Luigi does know Daisy in Canon thanks to that.

Luigi: what games are Canon.

AJ: the 3D and 2D platforms. Super Mario rpg. Mario and Luigi rpg series. Paper Mario used to be Canon but thanks to paper jam it is not Canon no more and seen as a alternate universe.

Mario: do you ship Luigi x Daisy.

AJ: not really. I prefer Mario x Daisy.

Mario: bitch.

AJ: what?

Mario: nothing.

AJ: and I can see why others ship it   it is cute. And people love seeing opposites attract.

Luigi: (so that's why they ship me with her) okay.

AJ: well all I like to do is thank everyone for reading this. This is the end of the book. I might make a sequel or not that also goes to 100 there are a ton of ships I didn't do we will just have to wait and see.

Mario: thank you all.

Luigi: why make a sequel when the max amount for one book is 200.

AJ: are you serious.

Luigi: yes.

AJ: forget everything I just said we are going to 200 this is not the end of the book anymore.

Mario hit Luigi up side the head.

Mario: you where not supposed to tell him I wanted this book to be over.

Luigi: oof. I mean oops.

AJ: thank God this book is fun to work on.

Mario and I Luigi reaction to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now