Mario x blaze the cat

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Mario: another Sonic character.

AJ: it is you're most popular crossover on the internet so that comes with ships.

Luigi: so why do they ship her and Mario.

AJ: she is a princess.

Mario: I do well with princess.

AJ: and she is really good at using fire like you Mario.

Mario: ok. But I am not into beastiality

Luigi: you tried to fuck bowsette.

Mario: she was mostly human. And I don't want to deal with the FBI.

AJ: what about that goomba in Mario Odyssey you flerted with.

Mario: that was for the power moons.

AJ: what about all the partners you had kiss you.

Mario: that was against my will.

Luigi: so you stood there and let them do it and didn't even try to stop it or just say no.


AJ: and didn't goombelle kiss you multiple times.

Mario: now that one was just for healing.

AJ&Luigi: righhhhhhhht.

Mario: you guys just jealous that I get all the girls.

Mario and I Luigi reaction to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now