Bowser x Pauline

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Bowser: let me get this straight you are paying me to kidnap you.

Pauline: yes that way I can have time with Mario and maybe convince him to be my boyfriend again and not date the slut Peach.

Bowser: I see this as a absolute win.


Pauline: Mario help me.

Bowser: you can't stop Mario.

Luigi: something is off here.

Mario: Bowser you like Pauline now.

Bowser: what no!

Mario: just saying you two would make a good couple.

Bowser: I would never date someone as ugly as her.

Mario: than why did you kidnap her. And why when I got here she had a smile on her face. Are you two dating. Pauline does Donkey Kong know about this.

Pauline: I don't date Bowser or DK. And ugly bitch I am fabulous you are the ugly one.

Bowser took her out of the cage. And had her in his hand.

Bowser: listen he drama Queen. I don't want your sass durning this operation.

Pauline: and I don't want to smell you're bad breath or look at your ugly kids.

Bowser: you Know what the deal is off.

He started fighting Pauline.

Luigi: ummm.

Mario: I knew this must be Pauline's doing.


She went crazy on Bowser.

Bowser: help call the police this girl is crazy.

Mario: I don't want to get hurt.

Luigi: I scared.

After a while.

AJ: hey guys sorry I am late. HOLY SHIT! What happened happened to Bowser.

Mario: a example of why you don't chip a girl's nail.

Mario and I Luigi reaction to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now