Luigi x Ashley

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Ashley: why am I her.

Luigi: are you serious.

Mario: it's the internet.

AJ: true.

Luigi: 1 She is fucking 9. 2 she is a witch. 3 she is creepy. And 4 I feel that of I give her the wrong look she will turn me into a toad.

Ashley: maybe.


Ashley used magic to turn her self into a 18 year old.

FBI: oh we are sorry about that we are used to you guys breaking the law we are just going to leave.

They left and AJ, Mario, and Luigi's jaws dropped. Ashley walked up to Luigi.

Ashley: you seem to have a nack for getting yourself into hunted place. I need you to do just that for I can find ingredients for a new spell I am working on. So pick up you're jaw and come on.

Luigi: Okay.

AJ & Mario: WTF!

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