Luigi x Amy rose

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Amy: we both have hammers.

Luigi: ya. So.

Amy: so we can be the hammer couple.

Luigi: ya. wait what!

Amy: and than the hammer family. After we get married and have kids.

Luigi: I think I am just going to go.

Luigi tried to run but Amy grabbed him and started to drag him.

Amy: let's get married now.

Luigi: help!

Behind a wall

AJ: that was kinda evil to shoot her with a Cupid arrow.

Mario: Sonic asked me to so she can get off his back. And plus Luigi has a antidote for Cupid arrows.

AJ: by the time he gets the antidote he will already be married to a hedgehog.

Sonic: don't worry I will save him. Nobody should be dealing with Amy. I will correct this.

Sonic ran off to save Luigi.

AJ: where did he come from.

Mario and I Luigi reaction to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now