Luigi x wii-fit trainer

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Mario was on top of the house.

Luigi: get down from there.

Mario: no not until that trainer leaves.

He started pointing at the female wii-fit trainer.

Wii-fit trainer: what's wrong with me.


Luigi: sorry about that he is mad that you made him work out.

Wii-fit trainer: so he doesn't want to go on another date.

Mario climbed higher onto the roof.

Mario: stay away from me.

Wii-fit trainer: I don't see why he goes on adventures and play a ton of sports almost every second.

Mario: I rather play in the action than train.

Wii-fit trainer: fine Luigi how about you.

Luigi:(blush) sure I can use some training. And Plus you are Kanda cut even with that plank fully white lifeless face.

Mario: Luigi that was terrible!

Wii-fit trainer:(blush) thanks I guess.

Luigi: I am not that good at this.

Mario: just make sure you get back before the direct you need to be there for people can play Luigi's Mansion 3 demo.

Luigi: okay.

They left. After a few hours Luigi came back from the date.

Mario: Luigi you are back just in time for the. Holy jumping mushrooms you are Skinner and lanker than waluigi and me after eating the strange mushroom from Mario maker combined.

Luigi: We my play every sport but that girl is beyond anything we did.

He passes out.

Mario: what should I tell Nintendo. Maybe I should just recolor Gooigi instead.

Mario and I Luigi reaction to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now