Mario characters x inflation

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Mario: Is this another fetish.

Luigi: yep but I know nothing about it.

Bowser: me neither.

AJ appeard with Peach by his side.

AJ: inflation is what it is just with a living body. Like when Mario gets a p balloon. But there is multiple ways to inflat people on the internet ether through pumping air in to the body, the character drinking alot of water, magic, eating alot of food, and using a item that causes it like you're P balloon.

Bowser: does vore count.

AJ: no! No it does not. Let me show you what inflation is that is why I brong Peach.

Peach: wait what.

AJ snapped his fingers and than disappeared.

Mario, Luigi,& Bowser: no no no no no!

They started to run to the exit but it turned out it disappeard. The ran around frantically trying to escape while Peach keep expanding. Soon she broke the whole building and was as round as a ball.

Mario: I am stuck in her boobs. This is awesome.

Luigi: She is on my back. He ass is crushing my back and most of my body.

Bowser: you two are lucky I am stuck in he belly button.

Bowser was sucked in leaving the Bros in shock.

Peach: oops.

Mario and I Luigi reaction to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now