starlow x Bowser

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AJ, Mario, Luigi,& Bowser looking at fan art of the ship.

Bowser: I am going to be honest with you guys. I didn't even know her name or the fact it was a her. And plus she is way to small for me and she is a dick.

Luigi: we know she is a dick. All to well.

Mario: and she is annoying.

AJ: she can he funny.

Mario, Luigi & Bowser looked at him.

AJ: what I found her funny when I played the games.

Luigi: you have no sense of humor.

Mario: burn him.

AJ: wait what.

Mario shot fire balls at him Luigi shoot lighting bolts at him and Bowser breath fire breath. AJ was turned into ashes.

AJ: no fair.

Mario: that is what you get for having a different opinion.

Luigi: know you're place. Trash!

Bowser: I wonder if people drew rule 34 of it.

Luigi: it is the internet of course they did.

Mario and I Luigi reaction to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now