Luigi x Squigly

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Mario was sitting down on his couch when his phone started to ring.

Mario: hello

Luigi: can you pick me up.

Mario: okay where are you.

Luigi: I don't Know.

Mario:how don't you know.

Luigi: well I am in a coffen and buried under ground in a random grave yard.

Mario: wait what?

Luigi: I said I am in a coffen.

Mario: how in the world are you in a coffen and buried under grown.

Luigi: well I met this cute zombie girl I was scared at first especially from the snake like skeleton that was going through her head and seems to tell at me alot but later we went on a date and than I took her home and now I am in a coffen with her and that guy in her head sleeping under ground. I think she said she was from Skullgirls. So can you pick me up a coffen is not comfortable and I been in here for a few hours.

Mario: how are you still breathing.

Luigi: the same way we breathe in water and outer space.

Mario: far enough. I well grab my Luigi tracker and be one my way.

Luigi: thanks.

Mario hangs up.

Mario: how do we always get ourselves in crazy situations like this. Any way compette lets look for your master.

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