Luigi x Melody

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Luigi just got out the bathroom and than entered the music room. He say down in front of the piano and took off his poltergust and set it down.

Luigi: I might play something to stop this boredom.

But before he could he looked down and saw his pants where not zipped. But as soon as he tried to zip them Melody appeared and sat on his lap.

Melody: I am Melody Pianissima I am the master of the Ivor keys and the beautiful wait a minute. Raggmuffen what are you doing back here. And why are you sweating.

Luigi looked down and was trying to stop what was going to stop himself.

Luigi: Luigi can you get off of me.

Melody: no. You owe me after putting me in a painting and plus you are soft to sit on.

Luigi: can't you fly or something.

Melody: yes but that is not as comfortable.

Luigi: please I am trying not to

In another room.

Mario: how about this ship Luigi x Melody.

AJ: that is a great idea and I even made a fanfic about this one it was my first one.

Melody: OOOOOHHHHH LUIGI! I DIDN'T KNOW TO FELT LIKE THAT TOWARDS ME! Well I am the  beautiful pianists.

Luigi: No no. You don't understand!

Melody: I understand enough now you my continue it feels good. And I can multitask.

They heard piano music.

Luigi: should have worn underwear today.

Mario: WTF!

AJ: I think it is not a good Idea to talk about this ship to him today.

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