Toad x Bowser

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Luigi: how would this work. Look how big Bowser is his cock would crush toad.

Mario: don't be stupid Luigi. Bowser has always been necked and we never seen his dick. Either he doesn't have one or his dick is so small that we can't see it. I guess I am better than Bowser in every catagory including in the lower area.

AJ: we don't know if he is necked or not. What if it is under his shell.

Mario: you're wrong. That is his stomach you can clearly see that it is not connected to the back.

AJ: but when it is in full shell form it is connected to the back so maybe it is hiding his cock.

Mario: but it is too high to cover it if he did have one. And when he wears clothes he still has the front part on but he takes the shell off to put it on the outside of the clothes. So as far as I am concerned he as a micro dick.

Luigi: can we stop talking about this it is giving me bad image in my head.

AJ: you are right. It is kinda weird.

Mario: and nasty.

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