Dreambret x Peasley

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Peasley: stay away from my man.

Dreambret: I have literally no idea what you are talking about.

Peasley: I am talking about my boyfriend Luigi.


Peasley: he is just joking.

Luigi: kill me.

Peasley: I won't let another prince take my man. On gaurd.

With AJ and Mario.

AJ: how did this ship come to be.

Mario: I didn't know. Maybe because they are both princes.

AJ: cannonlogically they never meet. What's with ships with people who never meet.

Mario: it is a necessary evil.

AJ: I wouldn't call it evil I ship a few crossover ships and they never meet each other from being part of a different series and all.

Mario: keep on forgetting that this book was mad by a dumb fan.

AJ: yay. I am not dum

Mario and I Luigi reaction to shipsWhere stories live. Discover now